CS 4970





Aaron Bloomfield (aaron@virginia.edu)
@github | |




A note about these slides

  • These slides are meant as a explanation
    • You are not expected to remember everything!
  • Since you all know OOP, it’s just showing what is different in Solidity
  • You can come back to use this as a reference later

Value types: integers

  • Signed and unsigned ints from 8 bits (1 byte) to 256 bits (32 bytes) in size
    • And in all byte sizes between
  • Unsigned: uint8, uint16, uint24, … uint256
    • uint is an alias for uint256
  • Signed: int8, int16, int24, …, int256
    • int is an alias for int256
  • Standard operations (arithmetic, comparisons, bit operators, shift operators)
    • Exponentiation is \(\ast \ast\)
  • type(int256).max and type(uint160).min for min/max

Value types: integers

  • Most used: uint (aka uint256) and uint8
  • Warning: a subtraction into a uint that is negative will cause a reversion
    • A revert is basically an abort – more on this later
    • And it will not give a useful error message indicating so!

Integer literals

  • Scientific notation: 1e12 equals \(10^{12}\)
    • 3.4e8 equals \(3.4 \ast 10^8\)
  • Underscores separate digits for readability, but do not affect its value
    • 0x12345678 == 0x1234_5678

Other value types

  • Booleans: type is bool, values are true and false
  • All comparisons evaluate to a Boolean
  • Fixed point numbers: not yet fully supported
    • Types are fixed and ufixed
    • But don’t use them!
  • No floating point numbers!
  • Note that all variables have an initial value of 0


  • Types are address and address payable
  • It’s just a number: a 160-bit (20 byte) Ethereum address
    • Allows standard comparison operators
  • Used for:
    • Keeping track of who is the contract initiator
    • Addresses of other contracts to call
  • Can cast between address and: uint160 or bytes20
address a = address(0);
uint160 u = uint160(a);
bytes20 b = bytes20(u);
  • The address of a caller of a function is in msg.sender

Address examples

  • You can convert to a payable address:
address a;
// set a = something...
address payable b = payable(a);
  • Conversions:
uint160 b = uint160(msg.sender);
bytes20 c = bytes20(msg.sender);
  • More examples:
if ( a == address(0) ) { ... }
address initiator = msg.sender;

Address fields

  • Although a primitive type, it has fields and methods:
    • balance: the balance, in wei, for that address
    address payable x = payable(0x123);
    address myAddress = address(this);
    if (x.balance < 10 && myAddress.balance >= 10) {...}
  • Other methods we won’t see in this course:
    • transfer() to send wei (requires a receive() function on the receiving contract)
    • send(): low-level and not safe version of transfer()
    • call(), delegatecall(), and staticcall(): calling a contract with an unknown ABI
    • code() and codehash() to get the bytecode of the contract

Fixed-sized Byte Arrays

  • Fixed sized array of bytes: bytes1, bytes2, up to bytes32
    • The size is the integer in the type name; max of 32 bytes
    • .length to get the length
    • Indexing with []
  • Operators:
    • Comparisons, bit operators, shift operators
    • Treats the byte array like a similarly sized uint when performing the operation

Dynamically-sized arrays

  • bytes: dynamically sized array of bytes
  • string: dynamically sized array of UTF-8 characters
    • We’ll see string functions in a bit…

String literals

  • Strings can be enclosed in single quotes or double quotes
  • Can use the backslash for escape characters
  • Two strings next to each other is concatenation:
string s = "CS" '4970'; // equals "CS4970"

More general arrays

  • We can create arrays of any type:
uint8[6] memory p = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ];
  • We’ll see the memory keyword shortly…


  • Enumerated type, which is mapped to a uint
enum ActionChoices { GoLeft, GoRight, 
                       GoStraight, SitStill }

ActionChoices choice;
ActionChoices constant default = ActionChoices.GoLeft;

function setGoStraight() public {
    choice = ActionChoices.GoStraight;


  • An associative array (like a hash table) that holds a key-value pair
mapping (address => bool) public override voted;
mapping (uint => Choice) internal _choices;
  • We’ll talk about public, internal, and override later
  • To access a mapping value:
if ( voted[msg.sender] ) { ... }
  • To write to a mapping:
voted[msg.sender] = true;

Mappings of mappings

  • You can have mappings to mappings:
mapping (uint => mapping(string => address) ) 
              public twodmap;
  • It’s just like a 2-dimensional array:

Mapping keys

  • The keys are actually the hash of the key you provide
    • If you provide the character 1 as the key, the actual key is the Keccak256 hash of that
    • Or 0xc89efdaa54c0f20c7adf612882df0950f5a951637e0307cdcb4c672f 298b8bc6
  • In every mapping, all \(2^{256}\) keys exist
    • Anything not explicitly set returns 0 / false / all zero’s
    • All mappings thus have size \(2^{256} \approx 1.15 \ast 10^{77}\)
  • You can delete an element from a mapping:
    • delete map[1];
    • This really just sets the value to 0
    • And it restores gas (since it’s shrinking the EVM state)

Is an element in a mapping?

  • Consider:
mapping (address => bool) public override voted;

// this next one was not in the original Poll.sol:
mapping (address => uint) public how_voted;

// or:
mapping (uint => Choice) internal _choices;
uint public override num_choices;
  • The voters tells if an address has voted
    • If they haven’t, then that key’s value will be 0 (false)
    • The how_voted will tell what they voted for
  • For the Choices, the uint tells how many keys there are
    • Our code has keys 0 to num_choies-1


  • Like a class without methods
struct Choice {
    uint id;
    string name;
    uint votes;
  • Structs can contain mappings as well
  • They are often kept in a mapping:
mapping (uint => Choice) internal _choices;
  • If you put the same Choice struct into different mappings, you might now have two copies of that struct!


  • All time is kept as a UNIX timestamp
    • The number of seconds since January 1st, 1970
    • This is how it’s kept in the blockchain as well
  • Only time available in a contract is the timestamp of the block
    • Via block.timestamp
  • Can use seconds, minutes, hours, days, and weeks as time units
    • They are always pluralized
    • But the number before each must be a literal, not a variable!
    • Example on the next slide

Time units example

uint a = 1;
uint b = 5;
uint c = 2;

// valid:
uint endTime = block.timestamp + 
               1 seconds + 5 minutes + 2 days;

// not valid:
uint endTime = block.timestamp +
               a seconds + b minutes + c days;

// valid:
uint endTime = block.timestamp + 
               a * 1 seconds + b * 1 minutes + c * 1 days;

Ether units

  • Can convert ether units as well
  • All convert to wei (recall that 1 ether is \(10^{18}\) wei)
assert(1 wei == 1);
assert(1 gwei == 1e9);
assert(1 ether == 1e18);

Reference types

  • Reference types are: strings, arrays, mappings, and structs
  • Like Java and Python, the language often hides that it’s a reference

Memory locations

  • All reference types must specify a memory location
    • storage: for all state variables, it is stored on the blockchain
      • statically allocated, like the stack on x86
      • two sub-types:
        • local storage (local subroutine variable)
        • state storage (state/class variable on the blockchain)
    • memory: a local variable, it only exists while the subroutine is executing
      • dynamically allocated, like the heap in x86
    • calldata: read-only, used for function parameters

Assignments of references

  • If you assign one reference type to another, what happens depends on where the data is stored:
To (lhs) From (rhs) Result
memory memory reference aliasing
memory any storage full copy
memory calldata full copy
any storage memory full copy
any storage calldata full copy
local storage any storage reference aliasing
state storage any storage full copy
calldata (any) not allowed

Assignments of references

  • How to remember:
    • You can’t ever write to calldata
    • Anything assigned between different types of memory is always a copy, as references can’t point from one memory type to another
    • State storage, which is on the blockchain, never stores references – so anything copied to state storage is always a full copy
    • Reference aliasing works in the 2 cases when the memory types are the same and it’s not going into state storage: memory to memory, and any storage to local storage

Type names

  • For certain types, you have to give a qualifier as to where it is stored
    • bytes and string
  • The qualifier is memory, storage, or calldata
  • The type name is two words
    • string memory
    • bytes storage

String functions

  • No (direct) built-in string comparison!
    • Reasons:
      • It is difficult / expensive to compare across memory locations
    • Instead, compare their hashes:
    if ( keccak256(x) == keccak256(y) ) { ... }
    • Note that keccak256() uses a lot of gas
  • Can concatenate two strings:
string memory s = string.concat(s1, s2);
  • Only returns a string memory
  • There are 3rd party string function libraries
    • Which contain comparisons, among other functions

Code Example

// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
pragma solidity >=0.5.0 <0.9.0;

contract C {
  // The data location of x is storage; this is the 
  // only place where the data location can be omitted
  uint[] x;

  // The data location of memoryArray is memory.
  function f(uint[] memory memoryArray) public {
    x = memoryArray; // works, copies the whole array to storage
    uint[] storage y = x; // works, assigns a pointer, y's location is storage
    y[7]; // fine, returns the 8th element
    y.pop(); // fine, modifies x through y
    delete x; // fine, clears the array, also modifies y
    // The following doesn't work; it would need to create a new temporary /
    // unnamed array in storage, but storage is "statically" allocated:
    // y = memoryArray;
    // This does not work either, since it would "reset" the pointer, 
    // but there is no sensible location it could point to.
    // delete y;
    g(x); // calls g, handing over a reference to x
    h(x); // calls h and creates an independent, temporary copy in memory

  function g(uint[] storage) internal pure {}
  function h(uint[] memory) public pure {}

Even more…

  • There are a lot of types we are skipping
  • See them all in the Solidity types reference
    • https://docs.soliditylang.org/en/latest/types.html


Learning Solidity

  • The easy part: learning the language
    • It’s just an OO language with familiar syntax
  • The hard part is understanding:
    • The restrictions that blockchain programs have
      • No time or random numbers
      • No print statements!
    • How to best interact with the blockchain
    • What the heck do you do with it?
  • The easy part will be done in the next 20 minutes
  • The hard part will be the rest of this course


Solidity Overview

  • An object-oriented language with C++/Java like syntax
    • Same set of control structures with the same syntax (for, if/else, while, etc.)
  • A class is called a “contract”
  • Methods are called functions

License identifier

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
// SPDX-License-Identifier: CC BY-SA
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL
  • A compiler will issue a warning if it’s not there
  • The actual license type is not checked, so you can also use:
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicensed


  • We’ll only use the following Solidity version pragma:
pragma solidity ^0.8.29;
  • The three numbers are: major version, minor version, bugfix version
  • By default, it forces a compiler error if the wrong compiler version is being used
    • Some platforms, such as Truffle or Remix, will try to find the right compiler version
  • This will only compile with version 0.8.29 or later
    • But will NOT allow compilation with version 0.9.0 or later
  • Note that breaking changes (very few!) are only (intentionally) introduced on major versions


  • More complicated examples are possible:
pragma solidity >=0.4.0 <0.6.0;
  • One to avoid: note there is no carat before the version number
    • Reason: a later bugfix version, 0.8.12, will not compile this program
pragma solidity 0.8.11;
  • In this course, we’ll use ONLY the following:
    • As this will compile on all of the platforms we will be using
pragma solidity ^0.8.29;


  • C++ and Java style comments
// this is a comment

/* this is a

/* this is a
 * multi-line
 * comment with better
 * formatting


  • Default import statement:
import "./filename.sol";
  • Note that this will pollute the namespace
  • We can also use:
import * as symbolName from "./filename.sol";
  • All names from the file can be accessed via symbolName.thing
  • An equivalent version of this is:
import "./filename.sol" as symbolName;
  • Naming collision? Then rename it upon import:
import {symbol1 as alias, symbol2} from "./filename.sol";

High-level “things”

  • contract
    • Essentially an OO class
    • Can also be abstract
  • interface
    • Just like interfaces in Java, or pure abstract classes in C++
    • By convention, their names always start with a capital I (India)
  • library
    • Can contain ONLY functions that do not access state
      • Meaning no contract field access
      • Specifically, they can only contain pure functions (we’ll see pure shortly)
    • Unless you have a reason otherwise, have everything inside have internal visibility
      • We’ll see visibilities shortly…


  • Contracts can inherit from interfaces and other contracts
    • Interfaces can inherit from (only) other interfaces
    • Via the is keyword
  • The super-class (or super-interface) must be defined above or import’ed
interface Foo is Bar {
  // ...
contract Student is Person, Learner {
  // ...
  • Any contract that inherits from an interface, but does not implement all the methods, must be declared abstract


  • virtual: if a thing (function, field, etc.) in a contract can be overridden
    • All function prototypes in interfaces are assumed to be virtual
  • override: when a sub-class is replacing an inherited function
    • If the function is multiply inherited, you may have to specify which (or all) that it overrides (needed for the Tokens assignment):
    function foo() public override(IERC165,ERC721) {
    • The requirement to specify override varies by compiler and version

Abstract Contracts

  • A contract must have all the methods implemented
  • An interface must have no methods implemented
  • An abstract contract can have some methods implemented and some not
    • Part interface, part contract
    • Example: if you inherit from an interface, but only implement some of the methods
abstract contract Foo is Bar {
  // ...

What we have so far

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.29;

interface IERC165 {
  // ...

interface IERC721 is IERC165 {
  // ...

contract ERC721 is IERC721 {
  // ...

library Address {
  // ...


  • public: like any other OO language, it can be called by anybody or anyone
    • For fields, this is only the readability of the field; only contract functions can write to the field
  • private: like any other OO language, it can be called only by code in that class
  • internal: like protected in other OO languages: it can be called by that class or it’s sub-classes
  • external: like public, but can ONLY be called by code outside the contract; code in the contract can not call an external function
    • Functions in interfaces must be declared external
    • The implementing contract can then “raise” the visibility to public


  • The stated visibility in an interface can be expanded (only) in the contract
    • Example: if an interface specifies a function as external
      • Then the implementing contract can specify it either as external or public (public is more visible than external)
  • Anything field defined as public has a getter function defined for it – see the next slide
    • If you have uint public k, then you can call the k() getter function to access its value
  • The default, if unspecified, is public
    • But without a getter function
  • Note that all data is still visible on the blockchain, even for private fields!

Getter functions

  • The following code:
uint public num_assignments;
mapping (address => string) public aliases;
mapping (uint => mapping(string => address) ) 
              public twodmap;
  • Creates the following getter functions:
function num_assignments() public view returns (uint);
function aliases(address a) public view
                  returns (string memory);
function twodmap(uint id, string s) public view
                  returns (address);

Function Qualifiers

  • view: this function does not modify (write to) the state of the contract
    • It can read from state variables, but not write to any state variables
    • It can write to local variables, of course
    • Like const in C++
  • pure: this function does not read from or write to the state of the contract
    • Any function in a library must be pure
    • view and pure are mutually exclusive
  • Using these qualifiers allows calls without having to make a transaction
    • And may allow optimizations which reduce contract size and gas costs

Declarations for fields

  • Format:
<type> <visibility> <override?> <name> [= <value>];
  • Examples:
uint public duration = 86400;
uint public override k;
address public override initiator;
mapping (address => uint) internal values;
  • Local variables are similar
    • But without the visibility and override qualifiers

Declarations for functions

  • Format:
function <name> ([<parameter_list>]) <visibility> 
                <qualifiers> [returns (<list>)] {
  • Examples:
function addChoice (string memory _name) public 
              { /* ... */ }

function unnecessaryFunction() public view 
              returns (string memory) { /* ... */ }

function overridePureFunction() external pure 
              override returns (uint,bool) { /* ... */ }

Require and revert

  • A reversion means the transaction method fails, and all state is rolled back to before it started
    • Still costs gas fees!
  • revert() will do this
  • Also:
    • require(a>0); will revert if \(a\) is not greater than zero
    • Better to use the two-parameter version:
    • require(a>0,"a must be greater than zero");
      • Now, if/when it reverts, it will tell you why
    • Use this all the time!!!

Receiving ether

  • The payable qualifier means the function can accept ether as part of the call
  • The amount of ether received is in msg.value
    • And is added to the contract’s balance
      • … assuming it doesn’t revert


  • Syntax:
constructor() {
    // ...
  • No function keyword, no return type
  • Default, if not specified, is an empty body
  • Can take parameters:
constructor(uint foo) {
    // ...
  • Only one constructor is allowed per class!
    • They may eventually allow multiple, differentiated by the parameter list


  • selfdesctruct()
    • Only if enabled (declared)
    • Disables the contract permanently
    • Caller claims the ether balance

Contract elements

  • A contract can have:
    • Fields
    • Functions
    • A constructor and a selfdestruct() method
    • A few other special-purpose methods we won’t see here
    • Modifiers


  • A modifier changes how a function works
  • You put in conditions (or whatever) and then indicate where the function body goes
  • That indication is with the underscore
  • Example:
modifier onlyOwner() {
    require(msg.sender == owner, "Not owner");


contract Modifiers {
    address public owner;

    constructor() {
        owner = msg.sender;

    modifier onlyOwner() {
        require(msg.sender == owner, "Not owner");

    modifier validAddress(address _addr) {
        require(_addr != address(0), "Not valid address");

    function changeOwner(address _newOwner) public onlyOwner 
                                            validAddress(_newOwner) {
        owner = _newOwner;

Events & emit

  • An event is when something happens
  • Allows for logging of what has happened to a contract
  • They are declared in contracts or interfaces:
event votedEvent (uint indexed _id);
event choiceAddedEvent (uint indexed _id);
  • The indexed keyword allows for searching the event log by that value
  • Events are called via emit:
emit choiceAddedEvent(num_choices);
emit votedEvent(_id);
  • Events can be “watched” for (or “subscribed to”)
    • We’ll see this later this semester


  • Try-catch:
try <something> {
  // what to do if it succeeds
} catch {
  // what to do if it fails (reverts)
  • The “something” can be:
    • Calling a function
    • Creating a new contract
    • Or anything else
  • If the something reverts, the catch clause is executed

Transferring ether in Solidity

  • To transfer ether from a Solidity contract:
(bool success, ) = payable(a).call{value: v}("");
require(success, "Failed to transfer ETH");
  • The amount, in v, is in wei
  • The address to pay it to is in a
  • This reverts if the contract does not have sufficient balance
    • Or if it fails for any other reason, such as an invalid address

Contracts creating contracts

  • We can have a contract Foo deploy another contract Bar
  • Given a field in Foo such as either:
Bar public b;
address public c;
  • Then we can initialize it via either (respectively):
b = new Bar();
c = address(new Bar());

Most useful global variables

From here

  • block.timestamp (uint)
    • current block timestamp as seconds since unix epoch
  • msg.sender (address)
    • sender of the message (current call)
  • msg.value (uint)
    • number of wei sent with the message
  • this
    • the current contract (example: address(this).balance)

Other global variables

  • block.basefee (uint): current block’s base fee
  • block.chainid (uint): current chain id
  • block.coinbase (address payable): current block miner’s address
  • block.difficulty (uint): current block difficulty
  • block.gaslimit (uint): current block gaslimit
  • block.number (uint): current block number
  • gasleft() returns (uint256): remaining gas
  • msg.data (bytes calldata): complete calldata
  • msg.sig (bytes4): first four bytes of the calldata (i.e. function identifier)
  • tx.gasprice (uint): gas price of the transaction
  • tx.origin (address): sender of the transaction (full call chain)

Global functions

  • blockhash(uint blockNumber) returns (bytes32)
    • hash of the given block when blocknumber is one of the 256 most recent blocks; otherwise returns zero
  • keccak256(bytes memory) returns (bytes32)

Solidity reference

Solidity bytecode

Consider the following Solidity smart contract:

// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
pragma solidity ^0.8.29;
contract MyContract {
    uint public i = 1 + 2 * 3 - 4;

The bytecode was generated via:

  • Going to remix.ethereum.org, create a new contract file, and enter the text
  • Select the compiler icon on the left, and click ‘compile’
  • Select ‘compilation details’, the ‘Assembly’ at the bottom

Solidity bytecode

  PUSH 80     contract MyContract {\n    uin...
  PUSH 40     contract MyContract {\n    uin...
  MSTORE      contract MyContract {\n    uin...
  PUSH 3      1 + 2 * 3 - 4
  PUSH 0      uint public i = 1 + 2 * 3 - 4
  SSTORE      uint public i = 1 + 2 * 3 - 4
  CALLVALUE       contract MyContract {\n    uin...
  DUP1      contract MyContract {\n    uin...
  ISZERO      contract MyContract {\n    uin...
  PUSH [tag] 1      contract MyContract {\n    uin...
  JUMPI       contract MyContract {\n    uin...
  PUSH 0      contract MyContract {\n    uin...
  DUP1      contract MyContract {\n    uin...
  REVERT      contract MyContract {\n    uin...
tag 1     contract MyContract {\n    uin...
  JUMPDEST      contract MyContract {\n    uin...
  POP       contract MyContract {\n    uin...
  PUSH #[$] 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000      contract MyContract {\n    uin...
  DUP1      contract MyContract {\n    uin...
  PUSH [$] 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000     contract MyContract {\n    uin...
  PUSH 0      contract MyContract {\n    uin...
  CODECOPY      contract MyContract {\n    uin...
  PUSH 0      contract MyContract {\n    uin...
  RETURN      contract MyContract {\n    uin...
      PUSH 80     contract MyContract {\n    uin...
      PUSH 40     contract MyContract {\n    uin...
      MSTORE      contract MyContract {\n    uin...
      CALLVALUE       contract MyContract {\n    uin...
      DUP1      contract MyContract {\n    uin...
      ISZERO      contract MyContract {\n    uin...
      PUSH [tag] 1      contract MyContract {\n    uin...
      JUMPI       contract MyContract {\n    uin...
      PUSH 0      contract MyContract {\n    uin...
      DUP1      contract MyContract {\n    uin...
      REVERT      contract MyContract {\n    uin...
    tag 1     contract MyContract {\n    uin...
      JUMPDEST      contract MyContract {\n    uin...
      POP       contract MyContract {\n    uin...
      PUSH 4      contract MyContract {\n    uin...
      CALLDATASIZE      contract MyContract {\n    uin...
      LT      contract MyContract {\n    uin...
      PUSH [tag] 2      contract MyContract {\n    uin...
      JUMPI       contract MyContract {\n    uin...
      PUSH 0      contract MyContract {\n    uin...
      CALLDATALOAD      contract MyContract {\n    uin...
      PUSH E0     contract MyContract {\n    uin...
      SHR       contract MyContract {\n    uin...
      DUP1      contract MyContract {\n    uin...
      PUSH E5AA3D58     contract MyContract {\n    uin...
      EQ      contract MyContract {\n    uin...
      PUSH [tag] 3      contract MyContract {\n    uin...
      JUMPI       contract MyContract {\n    uin...
    tag 2     contract MyContract {\n    uin...
      JUMPDEST      contract MyContract {\n    uin...
      PUSH 0      contract MyContract {\n    uin...
      DUP1      contract MyContract {\n    uin...
      REVERT      contract MyContract {\n    uin...
    tag 3     uint public i = 1 + 2 * 3 - 4
      JUMPDEST      uint public i = 1 + 2 * 3 - 4
      PUSH [tag] 4      uint public i = 1 + 2 * 3 - 4
      PUSH 0      uint public i = 1 + 2 * 3 - 4
      SLOAD       uint public i = 1 + 2 * 3 - 4
      DUP2      uint public i = 1 + 2 * 3 - 4
      JUMP      uint public i = 1 + 2 * 3 - 4
    tag 4     uint public i = 1 + 2 * 3 - 4
      JUMPDEST      uint public i = 1 + 2 * 3 - 4
      PUSH 40     uint public i = 1 + 2 * 3 - 4
      MLOAD       uint public i = 1 + 2 * 3 - 4
      PUSH 20     
      PUSH 40     uint public i = 1 + 2 * 3 - 4
      MLOAD       uint public i = 1 + 2 * 3 - 4
      DUP1      uint public i = 1 + 2 * 3 - 4
      SWAP2       uint public i = 1 + 2 * 3 - 4
      SUB       uint public i = 1 + 2 * 3 - 4
      SWAP1       uint public i = 1 + 2 * 3 - 4
      RETURN      uint public i = 1 + 2 * 3 - 4

Solidity hex bytecode

  • That bytecode is compiled into hex (binary):
  • This hex code is as it would show up in the blockchain Ethereum explorer
    • In the “input” field
  • Total of 160 bytes (compilation optimization was used)

Poll Example

Poll Example

  • This is the Poll.sol smart contract from the the dApp Introduction assignment
    • It implements the IPoll.sol interface
    • Both are shown in full on the next two slides
    • But the comments were removed for compactness in the slides


// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later

pragma solidity ^0.8.29;

interface IPoll {

  struct Choice {
    uint id;
    string name;
    uint votes;

  function purpose() external pure returns (string memory);

  function voted(address a) external view returns (bool);

  function choices(uint i) external view returns (Choice memory);

  function num_choices() external view returns (uint);

  function addChoice (string memory _name) external;

  function vote (uint _id) external;

  event votedEvent (uint indexed _id);

  event choiceAddedEvent (uint indexed _id);



// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later

pragma solidity ^0.8.29;

import "./IPoll.sol";

contract Poll is IPoll {

  mapping (address => bool) public override voted;

  mapping (uint => Choice) internal _choices;

  function choices(uint i) public view override returns (Choice memory) {
    return _choices[i];

  uint public override num_choices;

  string public override constant purpose = "Vote on your favorite color";

  constructor() {

  function addChoice (string memory _name) public override {
    _choices[num_choices] = Choice(num_choices, _name, 0);
    emit choiceAddedEvent(num_choices);

  function vote (uint _id) public override {
    require(!voted[msg.sender], "sender has already voted");
    require(_id >= 0 && _id < num_choices, "invalid vote selection");
    voted[msg.sender] = true;
    emit votedEvent(_id);

  function unnecessaryFunction() public view returns (string memory) {
    return _choices[0].name;

  function supportsInterface(bytes4 interfaceId) external pure returns (bool) {
    return interfaceId == type(IPoll).interfaceId || interfaceId == 0x01ffc9a7;


Poll Compilation Artifacts

  • ABI (Application Binary Interface):
  • Compiled bytecode
    • Normal (5,656 bytes)
      • Contract @ 0x8f8a7d8CCD4aEb500c1708A0f22231e3d86Fea59 (fall 2023)
    • Optimized (3,010 bytes)
      • Contract @ 0xeB08a2F5A484Cd5f1B7bE3014bDD1215C9C962Bd (fall 2023)
    • See these on the blockchain explorer as well
  • EVM opcodes for Poll.sol

Security holes

  • Did you notice the (intentional) security holes in the Poll contract?
    • There were at least two, one inherent to Solidity and one I put in there

Debtor’s Example

A Circle of Debt

  • A group of friends always cover each other for expenses
  • They want a way to resolve these debts
  • Example:
    • Alice pays $5 to cover Bob
    • Bob pays $5 to cover Charlie
    • Charlie pays $10 to cover Alice
    • The net result is that Alice owes $5 to Charlie; all other debts cancel out
  • We’ll implement this as a smart contract in Solidity on Ethereum

Design considerations

  • The blockchain will hold the history of who owes money (ether), and how much
  • Nobody wants to remember people by their Ethereum address
    • So we will use an alias, which is a string (“alice”, “bob”, etc.) that corresponds to an address
    • It has an optional name field as well
  • The group of friends all trust each other, so either side can enter a debt
    • But Alice cannot enter a debt between Bob and Charlie


  • The key insight is that if Alice pays Bob \(x\), then Alice’s balance goes up by \(x\), and Bob’s goes down by \(x\)
    • A negative balance means you owe money
    • A positive balance means you are owed money
  • The system will keep track of how much one owes or is owed, but not necessarily who to



  • Given the code in Debts.sol, let’s extract out an interface
  • The IDebts.sol interface will have:
    • The Entry struct
    • The events
    • The function prototypes (and public getter methods), all with external visibility
    • The entries() function has a tuple return type, not an Entry memory return type
  • The Debts.sol changes:
    • Import the IDebts interface
    • Remove (comment out) the Entry struct and the events
    • All methods change to override
    • Add a supportsInterface() method

Start of in-class activity

  • The slides below are for the in-class activity
  • The column to the right is not


  • A request: please do not go ahead of me in the following deployment steps
  • This has already been deployed on our private Ethereum blockchain
    • But if we wanted to deploy it ourselves, you could do so from Remix by following the same steps as in the dApp Introduction assignment
  • I’ve added an alias for me, but not for any of you
  • On the Canvas landing page is the relevant contract address (and other information)
  • Look at the Blockchain Explorer
    • The smart contract was deployed in a specific block
    • The adding of some aliases was in a specific block

Interacting via geth

  • You should all start up your geth node via:
geth --config geth-config.toml \
  • Once done, you should start a geth terminal in a new window/tab:
geth attach /path/to/ethprivate/geth.ipc


geth attach ./geth.ipc

In Windows, it’s something like:

geth attach \\.\pipe\geth.ipc

Your eth.coinbase

  • If your eth.coinbase is different than what you submitted in either of the last two assignments…
    • Or you think it might be different, but aren’t sure…
  • Email me, right now, with your updated eth.coinbase
    • This way I can give you credit for participating
    • That email has to arrive before class ends today!

Relevant information

  • On the Canvas landing page, at the bottom, are a few pieces of information we will need:
    • The Debts smart contract address
    • A link to the ABI for the IDebts.sol interface – you will need to copy that shortly
      • About where we get that ABI…
    • A link to this part of the slide set so you can copy-and-paste some of the code
    • And other useful links

Transactions from geth

  • We are going to call the smart contract directly from geth
  • First, save the smart contract address in a variable:
var addr = "0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff";
  • But use the actual address, not that address!
  • Next we have to save the ABI:
var abi = [...];
  • Copy-and-paste the ABI from the Canvas landing page into that command
  • Notice no quotes around the variable’s value!
  • It should present that same ABI back to you, but nicely formatted

Transactions from geth

  • Next we have to have geth create a contract object for us:
var interface = eth.contract(abi);
  • Lastly, we need to link that to the specific contract address that we are going to be using:
var contract = interface.at(addr);

Geth read transactions

  • We can call read-only transactions (view or pure functions) via the .call() method
  • To read a variable:
  • To read a mapping:
  • To get a name from a mapping:
  • To call a (view or pure) method:

Geth write transactions

  • First, unlock your account:
  • Use your password, though!
  • Does it not know eth.coinbase? If not, then enter:
  • Recall that the blockchain explorer updates every 1 minute

Adding an alias

  • You have to add yourself as an alias
  • Request: please use your UVA userid as the alias itself
    • If you don’t want to use your own, make up a believable fake one

Adding an alias

  • Transactions that write to the blockchain use the .sendTransaction() method
         "Your Name", {from:eth.coinbase, gas:1000000})
  • Don’t use mst3k! Use your userid and name
    • Possibly fake, but make it realistic
  • Notice, in the value printed after that call, the transaction hash
    • Search for the address in the Blockchain Explorer
    • It will take up to a minute for the explorer to refresh
  • In the explorer transaction page, notice the decoded function call
    • It states the function called, and the parameters passed in

View the list of debts

  • We have a web page that allows you to view all the entered aliases and who owes what
  • The URL is on the Canvas landing page
    • You can also view it from the explorer page for the contract account

Pay off some debts!

  • You can now enter some debts:
               {from:eth.coinbase, gas:1000000});
  • Don’t use mst3k! Use the userid of the other person
  • Note that this is entering that the other person owes you money
    • If you owe them money, you would enter a negative value
  • The amount must be between -100 and 100, inclusive
  • And, again, view the web page for this exercise that lists the current balances
  • You can also see those transactions in the blockchain explorer
    • Note the transaction hash when you enter that command

The result…

… how much do I owe???

Also, we have the source code available:

Testing & Debugging

Use require() with 2 parameters

  • Consider:
require (value > 0);
  • If this reverts, all Remix will state is that the contract reverted, but not where or why
  • Instead, use:
require (value > 0, "value must be > 0 in foo()");
  • Now Remix will report that specific string if/when it reverts

Use require() to assure the correct state

  • Using require() a lot to make sure that the variables are in the state you expect them to be
require (msg.value > 0,
           "must transfer ether with this transaction");
require (from_address != address(0), 
           "must specify a non-null from address");
require (to_address != address(0), 
           "must specify a non-null to address");
// and so on...

Capturing intermediate state

  • We don’t have print statements to ensure that our intermediate values are correct
  • So instead we save those values in state variables
  • Make sure those variables are public!!!
  • Once the function is run, you can view those variables in Remix

Capturing intermediate state

contract Test {
  uint public debug1;
  uint public debug2;

  function whyYouNotWork(uint a, uint b, uint c) 
                         public returns (uint) {
    uint x = 10**a;
    debug1 = x;
    x = x / b + c;
    debug2 = x;
    return x*123;

Managing setup

  • Some projects will require multiple contracts working together
  • We can create a third contract to manage all this setup
contract Test {
  address erc20 = 0x123456...;
  address tokenUser = 0x123456...;
  function setup() {
    // ... and so on

Unit testing

Still stuck?

  • Try adding in more require() statements
    • And then put in some more
      • And yet even more
  • Note that a subtraction on a uint that causes a negative number will revert the call