CS 4970





Aaron Bloomfield (aaron@virginia.edu)
@github | |



Content coverage

  • You may have seen some of this material in the encryption slide set from CS 3710: Introduction to Cybersecurity
    • But only this first column of slides is the same (a dozen or so slides)
  • If you didn’t see that material, that’s fine
    • We’ll go over all of it

Codes versus Ciphers

  • Codes change the meaning of words, ciphers encrypt them
  • Coded messages:
    • “The light is on in the attic”
    • “The condor has left the nest”
  • Cipher’ed messages:
    • wkh txlfn eurzq ira mxpsv ryhu wkh odcb grj
    • wecrl teerd soeef eaoca ivden
  • Reference

Block-ciphers vs. stream ciphers

  • Block ciphers require a block of text (examples: 256 bits (32 bytes), 1 Kb, etc.)
  • Stream ciphers, a.k.a. character ciphers, encrypt data as it is provided, character-by-character
    • I prefer the name ‘character cipher’ over ‘stream cipher’
    • Reference

One-time pad (OTP)

  • A substitution cipher
  • Take a random string that is as long as the plain text you want encrypt
    • Use modular arithmetic (or XOR, or Vigenere) to determine the encrypted version
    • Plain text: helloworld
    • One-time pad: zdxwhtsvtv
    • Encrypted: hijiwqhnfz
  • Reference

One-time pad (OTP) analysis

  • Pros:
    • Proven to be perfectly secure if:
      • the pad is truly random
      • the pad is only used once
      • the pad is kept secret
    • This, it is the ONLY cryptosystem with perfect secrecy
    • It can be performed by hand
  • Cons:

    • Good for short messages; it’s hard to transport large pads (i.e. network communication)
    • Does not provide message authentication
    • How do you get the pad to the recipient?
    • Can never use it twice

Re-using a one-time pad

Use an OTP:  re-using OTPre-using OTP = re-using OTP
Re-use the
same OTP: 
re-using OTPre-using OTP = re-using OTP
the images: 
re-using OTPre-using OTP = re-using OTP

This example from StackExchange

Data Encryption Standard (DES)

  • A secret key encryption/decryption block cipher
    • 64 bits, but only 56 are usable
  • Lots of bit-shifting in rounds to encrypt/decrypt a message
  • Susceptible to brute force attacks (\(2^{56} = 7 \ast 10^{16}\) keys)
  • Solution: use DES three times => “Triple DES”
    • Use 168 bit keys: three 56 bit keys, and encrypt the message three times, once with each key
  • NIST considers it secure through 2030

Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)

  • The successor to DES
  • Has three possible key lengths: 128, 192, and 256
  • NSA approved this standard, and kept the process open
  • Also lots of bit-shifting in rounds to encrypt/decrypt a message
  • Many worry about the security of the standard
    • … that somebody may figure a way to crack it mathematically, in particular
  • Reference

Public key cryptography

  • Everybody has a key that encrypts and a separate key that decrypts
    • They are not interchangeable!
    • If one key encrypts a message, the only the other key can decrypt it
  • The encryption key is made public
  • The decryption key is kept private

Public key cryptography

  • Alice (A) wants to send a message to Bob (B)
    • Alice and Bob already have each other’s public keys
  • Alice encrypts message \(m_1\) with Bob’s public key \(B_{pub}\) to create ciphertext \(c_1\)
    • She cannot decrypt \(c_1\) with \(B_{pub}\)
      • Although she likely has a copy of \(m_1\)
  • Bob decrypts \(c_1\) with his private key \(B_{pri}\) to get the original \(m_1\)
  • Bob encrypts response message \(m_2\) with Alice’s public key \(A_{pub}\) to create \(c_2\)
  • Alice can decrypt \(c_2\) with her private key \(A_{pri}\) to get the original \(m_2\)

Public key signatures

  • What if Alice wants to publish a message publicly, and prove that it really came from her?
  • She needs to digitally sign the message:
    • Given message \(m\), compute \(h = sha256(m)\) using a known hash function such as SHA-256
    • Encrypt \(h\) with her private key \(A_{pri}\) to get signature \(s\)
    • Publicly release both the message \(m\) and the signature \(s\)

Public key signatures

  • Now anybody can verify that it came from her:
    • Given public message \(m\), anybody can take the hash of it: \(h' = sha256(m)\)
    • Given the signature \(s\), anybody can decrypt it with Alice’s public key \(A_{pub}\) to get the original \(h\)
      • Recall that \(s\) is the encryption of \(h\) using \(A_{pri}\)
      • If one key encrypts, then the other can decrypt
    • If \(h == h'\), then the original message was signed by Alice’s private key

Public key cryptography math

  • Public key cryptography uses some type of mathematical theory…
    • … such as prime numbers, elliptic curves, or discrete logs …
  • Where some things are “easy” (read: polynomial time)
    • These are the operations used for key generation, encryption, and decryption
    • Examples: determining if a number is prime, elliptic point multiplication, discrete exponentiation
  • And some things are “hard” (read: exponential time)
    • These are the operations needed to “crack” the encryption
    • Examples: factoring a large composite number, elliptic point division, discrete logs

Public key cryptography challenges

  • Ensuring you obtain the correct key (not a malicious fake)
  • Ensuring somebody “in the middle” doesn’t modify your communications
  • Speed of key generation
  • Speed of encryption / decryption
  • Size of the signatures

Elliptic Curves

Elliptic Curves

Any curve of the form \(y^2=x^3+ax+b\)

wikipedia elliptic curve diagram

Specific Elliptic Curves

  • We are going to study curve secp256k1
    • Where \(a=0\) and \(b=7\), so the curve formula is \(y^2=x^3+7\)
  • Operations:
    • Elliptic curve point “addition”: \(P = Q \oplus R\)
    • Elliptic curve point “multiplication”: \(Q = k \otimes P = kP\)
      • We’ll show that \(k \otimes P = \sum_{i=1}^{k}P\)
        • That summation is repeated elliptic curve “addition”
    • Note that numerical values are always lower case variables and points are always upper case variables
image secp256k1-a.svg
image secp256k1-q-zoomed-out.svg
image secp256k1-r-zoomed-out-with-line.svg
image secp256k1-a.svg
image secp256k1-b-2points.svg
image secp256k1-c-2points-line.svg
image secp256k1-d-3points-line.svg
image secp256k1-e-4points-line.svg
image secp256k1-f-point-p.svg
image secp256k1-g-point-p-tangent.svg
image secp256k1-h-points-pq-tangent.svg
image secp256k1-i-points-pq-tangent.svg
image secp256k1-j-to-find-3p.svg
image secp256k1-k-to-find-3p.svg
image secp256k1-l-found-3p.svg
image secp256k1-m-showing-found-points.svg
image secp256k1-n-associative-1.svg
image secp256k1-o-associative-2.svg
image secp256k1-p-associative-3.svg
image secp256k1-q-point-at-infinity.svg

The Point at Infinity

  • Represented by the digit 0 or capital O
  • Considered one of the points “on” the curve
  • Considered the identity element: \(0 \oplus P = P\)
  • And \(P \oplus P'=0\)

Elliptical Curve notes

  • Most operations were the standard arithmetic operations on scalars
    • Given the \(y=mx+b\) formula and an \(x\) value, finding the corresponding \(y\) is easy
  • The only ones that were not were:
    1. Finding the initial points using square roots to determine \(y\) from \(y^2\)
    2. Finding the 3rd root of a cubic equation when the other two roots are known
  • We can perform these two with basic arithmetic by:
    1. Being given an initial point on the curve
    2. Taking a formulaic shortcut to find the intersection of a line and the curve

Elliptical Curve Identities

  • Multiplication
    • Generalized: \(\sum_{i=1}^{k} P = k \otimes P\)
      • Note that the summation operation is EC point \(\oplus\), not scalar \(+\)
    • Example: \(P \oplus P \oplus P \oplus P = 4 \otimes P\)
  • Notation
    • Generalized: \(k \otimes P = kP\)

Elliptical Curve Identities

  • Distributive property
    • Generalized: \((a+b) \otimes P = (a \otimes P) \oplus (b \otimes P)\)
      • Due to the order of operations (\(\otimes\) before \(\oplus\)), we can rewrite that as:
      • \((a+b) \otimes P = a \otimes P \oplus b \otimes P\)
    • Example: \((2+2) \otimes P = (2 \otimes P) \oplus (2 \otimes P) = 2P \oplus 2P = 4P\)
  • Associative property
    • \(A \oplus B \oplus C = (A \oplus B) \oplus C = A \oplus (B \oplus C)\)

Finite Fields

Finite Fields

  • A field is just a set of numbers that you can perform the basic arithmetic operations on
    • The real numbers are also a field (but not integers!)
  • An integer finite field:
    • Is defined by a (tyipcally prime) value \(p\)
    • All operations are mod \(p\)
    • Thus the possible values are the integers \(0\) to \(p-1\)
    • Denoted as \(Z_p\) (and, sometimes, \(F_p\))

Finite Field Operations

  • Operations in \(Z_{17}\)
  • Addition: easy – just add the two numbers and mod by \(p\)
    • \(13+25 = 38 \mod 17 = 4\)
  • Multiplication: easy – just multiply and mod by \(p\)
    • \(6*6 = 36 \mod 17 = 2\)
  • Exponentiation: easy – just exponentiate and mod by \(p\)
    • \(3^3 = 27 \mod 17 = 10\)
    • There are more efficient ways to do this, not covered here

Finite Field Subtraction

  • Additive inverse: let \(-x\) be defined as \(p-x\)
    • Example: \(-10=17-10=7\) in \(Z_{17}\)
      • Thus the additive inverse of \(10\) is \(7\) in \(Z_{17}\)
    • Verify:
      • \(15-10= 5\)
      • \(15+7=22 \mod 17 = 5\)
  • Mod’ing a negative number
    • Keep adding \(p\) until it becomes positive
    • Equivalent: \(-x \mod p = p-(x \mod p)\)
    • Example:
      • \(-23 \mod 17 = -23+17+17=11\)
      • \(17-(23 \mod 17) = 17-6=11\)

Fermat’s Little Theorem

  • In \(Z_p\), if \(p\) is prime, then \(a^p-a\) is a multiple of \(p\)

    • Rephrased: \(a^p-a \mod p = 0\)
    • Rephrased: \(a^p \equiv a\) (mod \(p\))
  • Example in \(Z_{7}\): let \(a=2\) and \(p=7\)

    • \(a^p-a=2^7-2=128-2=126\)
    • \(126=7*18\), so 126 is divisible by 7
  • Rephrased:

    • \(a^p \equiv a\) (mod \(p\))
    • \(2^7 \equiv 2\) (mod \(7\))
    • Take the mod of both sides…
    • \(128 \mod 7 \equiv 2 \mod 7\)
    • \(2 \equiv 2\)

Finite Field Mult Inverse

  • Fermat’s Little Theorem: \(a^p-a \mod p = 0\)

  • Divide both sides by \(a\):

    • \(a^{p-1}-1 \mod p = 0\)
  • Add 1 to both sides:

    • \(a^{p-1} \mod p = 1\)
    • Example: \(2^6 = 64 \mod 7 = 1\)
  • Divide both sides by \(a\) again:

    • \(a^{p-2} \mod p = 1/a\)
  • Re-arrange to get \(1/a\), our multiplicative inverse

    • \(1/a = a^{-1} = a^{p-2} \mod p\)

Finite Field Mult Inverse

  • To find the multipliciative inverse in \(Z_p\):
    • \(1/a = a^{-1} = a^{p-2} \mod p\)
  • Example: \(a=13\), \(p=17\)
    • \(1/13 = 13^{17-2} \mod 17 = 4\)
    • Division by 13 is the same as multiplication by 4 in \(Z_{17}\)
      • Or: \(x/13 = x \ast 4\) in \(Z_{17}\)
    • Verify: \(13*4 = 52 \mod 17 = 1\)

Finite Field Division

  • The multiplicative inverse:
    • \(1/a = a^{-1} = a^{p-2} \mod p\)
  • Division is thus:
    • \(x/a = x*a^{-1} = x \ast a^{p-2} \mod p\)
  • Example: let \(x=13\), \(a=5\), and \(p=17\)
    • \(13/5 = 13 \ast 5^{17-2} = 13 \ast 5^{15}=6\)
    • Verify: \(6*5=30 \mod 17 = 13\)
  • (reference)
  • The net result is that given a value \(a\), we can compute \(a^{-1}\)

Discrete Elliptic Curves

  • We can now perform the four arithmetic operations on a finite field
    • They are “easy” (read: polynomial time)
  • The \(x\) value is always an integer \(0 \le x < p\)
    • For the algorithm we will study, \(p=2^{256}-2^{32}-977\)
      • (more on this value later)
  • But we can’t take the square root to determine \(y\) from the right side of \(y^2=x^3+7\)
    • That’s “hard” (read: exponential time)
  • It turns out we don’t need to…

Elliptical Point Addition

  • Adding two (different) points is the same as before:
    • Determine the line equation
      • \(y=mx+b\) and \(m=(y_2-y_1)/(x_2-x_1)\)
      • All these operations are done within the field
    • Plug it into the equation for the curve: \(y^2=x^3+ax+b\)
      • (the \(b\) terms on the previous 2 lines are not the same)
    • \((mx+b)^2 = x^3+ax+b\), then solve for the 3 values of \(x\)
      • We know \(x_1\) and \(x_2\), so we need \(x_3\)
    • To determine \(y_3\), use the formula for the line: \(y_3=m*x_3+b\)
  • Problem
    • This requires square roots or cube roots
    • Hard to do in a field!

Elliptical Point Addition

  • Given two points on the curve: \((x_1,y_1)\) and \((x_2,y_2)\)
    • Determine the slope: \(m=(y_2-y_1)/(x_2-x_1)\)
  • A shortcut (not derived here) for secp256k1:
    • \(x_3=m^2-x_1-x_2\)
    • \(y_3=m(x_1-x_3)-y_1\)

Elliptical Point Addition

  • Adding the same point \(P\) to itself
    • Curve: \(y^2=x^3+7\)
    • Curve: \(y= \pm \sqrt{x^3+7}\)
    • Slope is the derivative: \(dy/dx = 3x^2/2y\)
      • (reference, line 92) (or your calculus class)
  • Use the math on the previous slide to determine the resultant point
    • The slope just computed is \(m\) on the previous slide

Elliptical Curve Arithmetic

  • Given a point \(P\) on a curve, you can keep ellipticlly adding it to itself to get \(R=k \otimes P\)
    • Given \(k\) and \(P\), it is feasible to determine \(R\) – this is “easy”
    • But given \(R\) and \(P\), it is NOT feasible to determine \(k\)
  • Note we can do elliptic curve exponentiation as well:
    • If \(k=2^{10}=1024\), then \(R=1024 \otimes P\), then we can compute that in about 10 steps:
      • \(P_2 = 2 \otimes P=P \oplus P\)
      • \(P_4 = 4 \otimes P=P_2 \oplus P_2\)
      • \(P_8 = 8 \otimes P=P_4 \oplus P_4\)
      • \(R=P_{1024} = 1024 \otimes P =P_{512} \oplus P_{512}\)
  • Total steps: \(\Theta(\log_2k)\)

Reflections in a field

  • A reflection in a field means using the other \(y\) value for that \(x\)-value
    • The other \(y\) value is just \(-y\)
  • Consider secp256k1 with the field \(Z_{43}\) (i.e., \(p=43\))
  • For \(x=2\), there are two \(y\) values: 12 and 31
    • \((12,31) \oplus (29,31) = (2,12)\)
    • It intersects at \((2,31)\), but then reflects to \((2,12)\)
    • You can see this here
  • The two \(y\) values (here, 12 and 31) will always add to \(p\) (here, 43)
  • The formulas provided herein already handle this reflection

Elliptical Curve notes

  • Even in a finite field, we do not need anything more than the basic arithmetic operations (and exponentiation)
    • Nowhere do we require square root, in particular
    • Nor a more general discrete log operation

Relevant formulas

  • Division in a field \(Z_p\):
    • \(x/a = x*a^{-1} = x \ast a^{p-2} \mod p\)
  • Elliptic point addition: given points \((x_1,y_1)\) and \((x_2,y_2)\), to find the third point:
    • Determine the slope: \(m=(y_2-y_1)/(x_2-x_1)\)
    • Point #3 is \((x_3,y_3)\) and determined by:
      • \(x_3=m^2-x_1-x_2\)
      • \(y_3=m(x_1-x_3)-y_1\)
  • Finding the slope at a point on secp256k1:
    • \(m=3x^2/2y\)


Elliptical curve cryptography

  • ECDSA = Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm
  • This ECDSA algorithm is specifically to encrypt the signature
    • Meaning the hash of the message
    • This algorithm is not really used for general purpose cryptography, as the keys are not interchangeable

Elliptical curve cryptography

  • Can use any elliptical curve equation of the form \(y^2=x^3+ax+b\)
  • We will use the secp256k1 curve
    • Sets \(a=0\) and \(b=7\), so the curve is \(y^2=x^3+7\)
      • No \(x\) term
    • secp256k1 defines a pre-defined \(p\) (modulus) value
    • secp256k1 defines a pre-defined \(G\) (base point) value


secp256k1 curve: modulus

  • secp256k1 curve: \(y^2=x^3+7\)
  • \(p\) is the prime modulus (the size of the field), and is defined as
    • \(p=2^{256}-2^{32}-977\)
    • \(p\) = 0xfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffefffffc2f
    • \(p\) = 115,792,089,237,316,195,423,570,985,008,687,907,853,269,984,665, 640,564,039,457,584,007,908,834,671,663
    • \(p \approx 1.16 \ast 10^{77}\)
    • Note that \(p\) is 256 bits in size (to match SHA-256)
  • Must be prime, and \(p\) is

secp256k1 curve: order

  • secp256k1 curve: \(y^2=x^3+7\)
  • \(o\) is the order, which is the number of points on the curve
    • We include the point at infinity in \(o\)
    • \(o\) = 0xfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffebaaedce6af48a03bbfd25e8cd0364141
    • \(o\) = 115,792,089,237,316,195,423,570,985,008,687,907,852,837,564,279, 074,904,382,605,163,141,518,161,494,337
    • \(o \approx 1.16 \ast 10^{77}\), a little less than \(p\)
  • SOME modulo operations in ECDSA are with \(o\), not \(p\)
  • Also must be prime, and \(o\) is
  • How to determine the order?

secp256k1 curve: order

  • Notation:
    • Most references use \(n\) to represent the order
    • We’ll use \(o\)
    • This will lower confusion with one of the elliptic curve computation websites we’ll be using a lot

secp256k1 curve: values

  • Why these values?
    • Both \(p\) and \(o\) are 256 bits (size of a SHA-256 hash)
    • The modulus, \(p\), is prime
    • The order, \(o\), is also prime
  • We could have used any values for \(p\) and \(o\) that fulfilled these properties

secp256k1 curve: base point

  • The starting point or “base point” \(G\)
    • \(x\) = 0x79BE667EF9DCBBAC55A06295CE870B07029BFCDB2DCE28D959F 2815B16F81798
      • \(x\) = 55,066,263,022,277,343,669,578,718,895,168,534,326,250,603,453,777, 594,175,500,187,360,389,116,729,240
      • \(x \approx 5.51 \ast 10^{63}\)
    • y = 0x483ADA7726A3C4655DA4FBFC0E1108A8FD17B448A68554199C4 7D08FFB10D4B8
      • \(y\) = 32,670,510,020,758,816,978,083,085,130,507,043,184,471,273,380,659, 243,275,938,904,335,757,337,482,424
      • \(y \approx 3.27 \ast 10^{63}\)
  • \(G \approx (5.51 \ast 10^{63}, 3.27 \ast 10^{63})\)
  • How do you think this was determined?

Base Point properties

  • In order for the base point to be able to generate all the points in the range \([0,o-1]\), \(G\) needs to lie on the secp256k1 curve
  • We can verify this in Python (here use use \(p\), not \(o\)):
$ python3
>>> p = 2**256 - 2**32 - 977
>>> x = 0x79BE667EF9DCBBAC55A06295CE870B07029BFCDB2DCE28D959F2815B16F81798
>>> y = 0x483ADA7726A3C4655DA4FBFC0E1108A8FD17B448A68554199C47D08FFB10D4B8
>>> y**2 % p == (x**3 + 7) % p
>>> (y**2 - x**3 - 7) % p == 0
>>> exit()

SEC format key encoding

  • This encoding is for 256-bit (32 byte) keys
  • Given the base point \(G\) = (79B…789, 483…4B8)
  • Uncompressed: use prefix ‘04’, then concatenate \(x\) and \(y\):
    • 04779B…789483…4B8
    • 65 bytes
  • Compressed (when we don’t care about the \(y\) value):
    • If \(y\) is negative (“even”), use prefix ‘02’ and concatenate \(x\):
      • 02779B…789
      • 33 bytes
    • If \(y\) is positive (“odd”), use prefix ‘03’ and concatenate \(x\):
      • 03779B…789
      • 33 bytes

ECDSA Key Generation: setup

  • So we have:
    • Curve parameters \(a\) and \(b\) (secp256k1: \(a=0\) and \(b=7\))
    • Prime modulus \(p\) (secp256k1: \(p=2^{256}-2^{32}-977\))
      • Size is \(b\) bits, selected to match the hash size (for us, \(b=256\))
    • Curve order \(o\) (for secp256k1: \(o \approx 1.16 \ast 10^{77}\))
    • Base point \(G\); for secp256k1,
      \(G \approx (5.51 \ast 10^{63}, 3.27 \ast 10^{63})\)
    • A \(b\)-bit hash algorithm that we plan on using
      • It could be any \(b\)-bit hash algorithm, but we’ll assume it’s SHA-256 herein

ECDSA Key Generation

  • Determine a \(b\) bit random number \(d\) such that \(1 \le d \le o-1\)
    • This is the private key
  • Compute point \(Q=d \otimes G\)
    • Point \(Q\) is the public key
    • Note that \(d\) is a number, but \(Q\) is a point
  • \(Q\) is the public key and \(d\) is the private key
    • They are not the same – \(d\) is a scalar and \(Q\) is a point
    • Thus, they are not interchangeable

Signing an ECDSA message

  • Curve parameters:
    • \(p\), the prime modulus
    • \(o\), the order of the curve
    • point \(G\), the base point
  • Alice knows:
    • \(m\), the message to sign
    • \(d\) (or \(d_A\)), her private key (secret!)
    • point \(Q\), her public key
  • Alice generates:
    • \(h\), the hash of the message \(m\) being signed
      • Using a \(b\)-bit hash algorithm such as SHA-256
    • \(k\), a \(b\)-bit one time pad (secret!) such that \(1 \le k \le o-1\)
    • \(k^{-1}\), the (secret) inverse mod-\(o\) of \(k\) (this is in \(Z_o\), not \(Z_p\))

Signing an ECDSA message

  • Curve parameters: \(p\), \(o\), \(G\) (and \(a\) and \(b\))
  • Alice knows: \(m\), \(d\), \(Q\)
  • Alice generated: \(h\), \(k\), \(k^{-1}\)
  • Alice computes \(R=k \otimes G\)
    • Let \(r\) be the \(x\) component of \(R\)
  • Alice also computes: \(s=k^{-1}(h+r*d) \mod o\)
    • This computation used the private key (\(d\)), the hash (\(h\)), and \(r\)
      • \(r\) needed the the one-time pad \(k\) to compute
  • The signature is \((r,s)\)
    • Both \(r\) and \(s\) are \(b\) bits in size, so the signature is \(2b\) bits
  • To verify, we have to show that formula Alice used holds
    • \(s=k^{-1}(h+r*d) \mod o\)

Why those formulas?

  • We want to encode the hash in such a way that:
    1. It can NOT be “cracked” in polynomial time
    2. With the public key \(Q\), the formulas can be verified in polynomial time
  • Part 1: does “reversing” it take exponential time?
    • We obtain \(r\) as the \(x\) value of \(R=k \otimes G\)
      • Elliptic multiplication is in polynomial time; the reverse (division) would be in exponential time
    • We obtain \(s\) via \(s=k^{-1}(h+r*d) \mod o\)
      • This is a discrete log, so “reversing” this is exponential time
  • Part 2: can it be verified without knowing \(d\) (the private key) or \(k\) (the secret OTP)
    • Yes; we’ll see this next

Sanity checks

  • If either \(r\) or \(s\) are zero, then restart the algorithm
    • Compute a new \(k\), and redo the computations
  • This is highly unlikely (although possible!) to occur with the actual values used with secp256k1
  • But is quite likely to occur with the values we will use in our upcoming homework

Verifying an ECDSA message

  • Curve parameters: \(p\), \(o\), \(G\) (and \(a\) and \(b\))
  • Bob has to verify the message; he knows:
    • \(m\), the message whose signature is being checked
    • \(Q\), Alice’s public key
    • \((r,s)\), the signature
  • Bob does NOT know:
    • \(d\), Alice’s private key
    • \(k\), the one-time pad used
    • \(k^{-1}\), the inverse, mod \(o\), of \(k\)
  • Bob generates:
    • \(h\), the hash of the message \(m\)
    • \(s^{-1}\), the inverse mod-\(o\) of \(s\) (this is in \(Z_o\), not \(Z_p\))

Verifying an ECDSA message

  • Bob has to verify that the following equation holds: \(s=k^{-1}(h+r*d) \mod o\)
    • This was the equation Alice computed to determine \(s\)
    • He uses his computation of the hash \(h\)
    • But he doesn’t know \(d\) nor \(k\)
      • But recall that \(r\) is computed using \(k\)
      • And \(Q\) was computed using \(d\)
  • Bob knows: \(m\), \(Q\), \((r,s)\), and the curve parameters
    • Knowing \(r\) (the \(x\) value of \(R\)) implies knowing all of \(R\) (the point)
  • Bob computes: \(h\) and \(s^{-1}\)
  • All further steps omit the ‘mod \(o\)’ part for clarity

Verifying an ECDSA message

  • The formula Bob is to verify without \(d\), \(k\), or \(k^{-1}\):
    \(s=k^{-1}(h+r \ast d)\)
  • Multiply both sides by \(s^{-1}\):
    \(1=s^{-1}k^{-1}(h+r \ast d)\)
  • Multiply both sides by \(k\):
    \(k=s^{-1}(h+r \ast d)\)
  • Multiply both sides by \(G\):
    \(k \otimes G=s^{-1}(h+r*d) \otimes G\)
  • Distribute the parenthetical:
    \(k \otimes G = s^{-1} \ast h \otimes G \oplus s^{-1} \ast r \ast d \otimes G\)
  • The public key is defined as \(Q = d \otimes G\):
    \(k \otimes G = s^{-1} \ast h \otimes G \oplus s^{-1} \ast r \otimes Q\)

Verifying an ECDSA message

  • The last formula from the previous slide:
    \(k \otimes G = s^{-1} \ast h \otimes G \oplus s^{-1} \ast r \otimes Q\) or:
    \(k \otimes G = (s^{-1} \ast h) \otimes G \oplus (s^{-1} \ast r) \otimes Q\)
  • Point \(R\) was computed as: \(R=k \otimes G\):
    \(R = s^{-1} \ast h \otimes G \oplus s^{-1} \ast r \otimes Q\)
  • Bob knows:

    • \(r\), the \(x\) component of \(R\), from the signature
    • \(s\) (and computed \(s^{-1}\)) from the signature
    • \(h\), the hash value computed from the message \(m\)
    • \(G\), the base point
    • \(Q\), Alice’s public key
  • Bob can now verify that this formula holds!

A note about the math

  • Given point \(P\), and scalars \(x\), \(y\), and \(z\), let
    • \(Q = z \otimes P\)
  • We have order of operations:
    • \(x \ast y \ast z \otimes P = (x \ast y \ast z) \otimes P\)
  • Given:
    • \(x \ast y \ast d \otimes G\) and \(Q = d \otimes G\)
    • We can state: \(x \ast y \ast d \otimes G = x \ast y \otimes Q\)

When to mod by \(o\) versus \(p\)

  • \(p\) is the prime modulus, \(o\) is the order (# of points)
  • If counting points, we mod by \(o\)
    • In EC multiplication
  • If checking scalars, we mod by \(p\)
    • Does this point lie on the curve?
  • Example
    • Let \(p=43\) and \(o=31\) and consider: \(R=50 \otimes G\)
    • As this is counting the number of points, we mod by \(o\), not \(p\)
    • So \(50 \otimes G = 19 \otimes G\), but \(50 \otimes G \ne 7 \otimes G\)
    • Verify this here
      • Set \(a=0\), \(b=7\), \(p=43\), and let \(P=(25,25)\)
      • The resultant point is the same for \(o=50\) and \(o=19\)
      • But not the same for \(o=50\) and \(o=7\)

When to mod by \(o\) versus \(p\)

  • In the signing algorithm, we mod by \(o\) (instead of by \(p\)):
    • When computing \(s=k^{-1}(h+r*d) \mod o\)
    • When computing \(k^{-1}\)
  • In the verification algorithm, we mod by \(o\) (instead of by \(p\)):
    • When computing \(s^{-1}\)
  • In any elliptic curve multiplication:
    • If computing \(R = k \otimes G\), we can mod \(k\) by \(o\) to get the same result

Computing \(k \otimes G\)

  • Let \(p=43\), \(o=31\), \(G=(25,25)\), and \(k=21\)
  • Compute \(21 \otimes G\)
      • \(21 = 10101_b = 2^4+2^2+2^0 = 16+4+1\)
        • \(21 \otimes G = 16 \otimes G \oplus 4 \otimes G \oplus 1 \otimes G\)
  • Compute the powers of \(G\):
    • \(1 \otimes G = G = (25,25)\)
    • \(2 \otimes G = (1 \otimes G) \oplus (1 \otimes G) = (25,25) \oplus (25,25) = (34,3)\)
    • \(4 \otimes G = (2 \otimes G) \oplus (2 \otimes G) = (34,3) \oplus (34,3) = (35,21)\)
    • \(8 \otimes G = (4 \otimes G) \oplus (4 \otimes G) = (35,21) \oplus (35,21) = (29,31)\)
    • \(16 \otimes G = (8 \otimes G) \oplus (8 \otimes G) = (29,31) \oplus (29,31) = (37,36)\)
  • \(21 \otimes G = 16 \otimes G \oplus 4 \otimes G \oplus 1 \otimes G\)
    • \(21 \otimes G = (37,36) \oplus (35,21) \oplus (25,25)\)
    • \(21 \otimes G = (38,21) \oplus (25,25) = (32,40)\)

Useful sites

Why ECDSA over RSA?

  • ECDSA keys are much quicker to generate
  • ECDSA encryption & decryption is faster
  • Cracking a 256-bit ECDSA signature would take about as long as cracking a 3072-bit RSA signature (source)
    • Which means the signed message is significantly shorter (256 bits versus 3072 bits) for the same level of security
    • That’s 1/12th the size!
  • ECDSA is really for digital signatures only

Why RSA over ECDSA?

  • Longer messages don’t have to be broken down into as many parts
  • Much easier to implement
    • And much easier to implement quickly
  • RSA keys are interchangeable; ECDSA keys are not
    • Thus, you cannot use ECDSA for sending encrypted messages back and forth
    • ECDSA is for digital signatures only

Security Level

  • A security level of \(n\) means that it takes \(2^n\) operations to “break” it
    • A means to compare different algorithms
  • 3072 bit RSA and 256-bit ECDSA have about the same security level (\(n=128\))
  • Reference


xkcd on randomness

Computers and randomness

  • A computer, by definition, produces the same output for the same input
  • So how, then, can it produce truly random numbers?
  • The answer: it can’t
  • Pseudorandomness: “A pseudorandom process is a process that appears to be random but is not”
    • That’s all a computer can really generate

Necessity of randomness

  • Much of encryption depends on randomness
  • If you could “guess” the random number sequence, then you could figure out the one-time pad
    • … or the generated ssh keys, or the RSA keys…
  • So we need really good random numbers
  • Formally, we need a cryptographically secure pseudorandom number generator
    • Formal definition shortly, but basically, it produces pseudo-random numbers that appear truly random

Typical method: LCG

  • The linear congruential generator (LCG)
  • \(X_{n+1}=(a*X_n+c) \text{ mod } m\)
    • \(m\) is the modulus, and must be positive
    • \(a\) is the multiplier: \(0 < a < m\)
    • \(c\) is the increment: \(0 < c < m\)
    • \(X_0\) is the seed value
  • libc (C’s rand()) uses \(a=1103515245\), \(c=12345\), and \(m=2^{31}\)
    • This will cycle through 2 billion (\(2^{31}\)) values before repeating
  • With a seed of 1, the initial sequence is:
    • 1, 1103527590, 377401575, 662824084, 1147902781, 2035015474, 368800899, …

Typical method: example

  • Let \(m=9\), \(a=4\), \(c=7\)
  • This will cycle through all the values <\(m\) before repeating
    • We know that via magic we won’t see here
  • \(X_{n+1}=(a*X_n+c) \text{ mod } m\)
    • \(X_0 = 1\)
    • \(X_1 = (4*1+7) \text{ mod } 9 = 2\)
    • \(X_2 = (4*2+7) \text{ mod } 9 = 6\)
    • \(X_2 = (4*6+7) \text{ mod } 9 = 4\)
    • \(X_3 = (4*4+7) \text{ mod } 9 = 5\)
    • Rest of the sequence: 0, 7, 8, 3, and then back to 1

Typical method: example

  • The linear congruential generator (LCG) sequence with \(m=9\), \(a=4\), \(c=7\):
    • 1, 2, 6, 4, 5, 0, 7, 8, 3, and then back to 1
  • But where to start in the sequence?
    • We could start anywhere therein
  • Where we start is called the seed
  • Different seed values just start at a different spot in the cycle of random numbers

What seed to use?

  • If you use the same seed, you will always get the same random sequence
  • Many people use time(NULL) in C/C++
    • This is the current number of seconds since January 1st, 1970
    • Which is how UNIX systems keep track of time
  • But if you run the program twice in the same second, it will use the same sequence!
  • That being said, this is probably sufficient for non-cryptographic purposes
    • You could use the current time in milliseconds…

CSPRNG Requirements

  • CSPRNG = Cryptographically Secure Pseudo-Random Number Generator
  • A CSPRNG needs:
    • A good source of entropy for the seed
      • Should appear random
    • Enough entropy to have an good initial seed
    • A good algorithm whose output appears to be unpredictable

Why libc is not cryptographically secure

  • The seed can be only one of \(2^{31} \approx 2.1\) billion values
  • One can generate all 2.1 billion! On a modern computer:
    • A 2048-bit RSA key takes less than 0.1 seconds to generate
      • To compute all 2.1 billion: 6.5 years
    • A 256-bit ECDSA key takes less than 0.005 seconds to generate
      • 1/20th of the time!
      • To compute all 2.1 billion: 3.5 months
  • Much faster on a parallel computer or a GPU…

CSPRNG: Entropy sources

  • Linux accumulates entropy in /dev/random & /dev/urandom from:
    • “environmental noise from device drivers and other sources”
    • Various timings of things at boot-up time, as there are always small variances between boots
    • Various sensors, such as the CPU temperature sensor or the fan speed sensor
    • User interaction (keyboard timings, etc.)
    • Physical devices designed for this exact purpose
  • Reads from /dev/urandom never block; /dev/random will block until enough entropy is present
    • /dev/urandom is much better…

Use more entropy

  • Essentially, have more bits in the seed
  • Typical cryptocurrency solution: use 128 bits
    • That’s \(2^{128}=3.4*10^{38}\) possible keys
    • Computing that many ECDSA keys would take \(4.6*10^{28}\) years
  • Some use 256 bits (\(1.1 \ast 10^{77}\) ECDSA keys, \(1.6 \ast 10^{67}\) years to generate all)
  • Problem: how to allow the owner to remember 128 (or 256) bits of entropy?
    • That’s a 16 byte (32 digit) hex number
    • For 256-bit keys, that’s a 32 byte (64 digit) hex number

Remembering your seed

  • Imagine a list of \(2048=2^{11}\) words
    • Each word thus provides 11 bits of entropy
  • Generate a list of 12 of these words
    • \(11 \ast 12=132\); use the last 4 bits as a checksum
  • Or a list of 24 of them (264 bits => 256 bit seed)
  • List is defined in BIP39
    • Different versions for different languages including the English list
    • Implementations in various programming languages are provided as well

Seed phrases

  • Most cryptocurrency wallets use these
  • It only works if the algorithm to compute the keys for the given cryptocurrency is repeatable with the same seed!
  • Then this phrase can be used to re-generate your keys
  • And you can store it in a device like this

Cloudflare uses a wall of lava lamps (source)

CSPRNG: Algorithms

  • Cryptographic primitives: ciphertext bytes, hash results, etc.
  • Number-theoretic designs: mathematical concepts that turned out to be good for this
  • Special designs: algorithms designed for this specific purpose
  • See here for a fuller list

Determining randomness

  • To tell if a number sequence is truly (pseudo-) random, you run randomness tests on it
  • Examples:
    • Run it a bagillion times and see if the distributions of the numbers is uniform across the range
    • See if the numbers follow a normal distribution (when run through the correct formulas)
    • Interpret the numbers as 5 card stud poker hands, and see if the distrubtion of hands is the expected distribution
    • And many others…




  • Message Digest == Secure Hash
    • The former is an older term, the latter is what is currently used
    • It’s just a hash with the algorithm described herein…

Ensuring the download is correct…

  • What if we don’t want to encrypt the data?
    • So anybody can download it: patches, open source code, etc.
    • But we want to be sure to allow those people to verify that they downloaded the correct file
      • And that they didn’t have any download errors
  • Solution: provide a hash code of the file

Hashing properties

  • Hash goals:
    • Changing even a single bit has a dramatic effect on the hash code
  • Pigeon hole principle:
    • If we use a 128-bit hash, that yields \(2^{128} \approx 3.4 \ast 10^{38}\) possible values
    • If we have files that are 129+ bits, then there will be more possible files than there are hashes
    • Thus, multiple files will provide the same hash
    • This will hold for all hashes, as long as the hash code is of a finite length

Hash vulnerabilities

  • For a hash function to be really vulnerable, we want to be able to take an arbitrary text and make it match the desired hash code
    • Sender sends: “deposit $1 million into account 12345” with hash “abcdefg”
    • You intercept and send a new message: “deposit $1 million into account 67890; (fl_0” with hash “abcdefg”
      • The trailing “; (fl_0” allowed the different document to match the same hash
  • Being able to create two “random” files that match the same hash indicates a weakness, but is not yet a vulnerability

Hashes are one-way!

  • Consider the following two files:
    • (from here, as it may not render properly on the slides)
    1i=\/ʵF~@X>U4 䈃%qAZQ%ɟ7<[؂>1V4[m6Sⴇ9cH͠3BW~Tp
    1i=\/ʵF~@X>U4    䈃%AZQ%ɟr7<[؂>1V4[m6S49cH͠3BW~Tp(
  • The both have the same MD5 hash of 79054025255fb1a26e4bc422aef54eb4
  • So given the MD5 hash, how do we know which one it came from?

Pigeonhole principle

  • An MD5 hash is 128 bits; SHA hashes go up to 512 bits
  • There are more files possibilites of 129 bits (or 513 bits) than there are possible hashes
  • Thus, as per the pigeonhole principle, there will be multiple inputs for a given hash
  • So how do you know how to go back from a hash?
    • Answer: you don’t

Collision resistant hashes

  • A collision resistant hash means that it is “hard” to find two inputs that hash to the same value
    • Harder than, say, brute force
    • If there is any way easier than brute force, that’s bad

Collision resistant hashes

  • Due to the birthday paradox, one will typically have to brute force \(2^{n/2}\) attempted values before a collision is found
    • For MD5 (128 bits): \(2^{128/2} = 2^{64} = 1.84 \ast 10^{19}\) attempts
      • Computing 1 million a second takes \(5.85 \ast 10^{11}\) years
      • But a better attack can achieve this in under a minute
      • (MD5 is not collision resistant, as described later)

Collision resistant hashes

  • For SHA-256 (256 bits): \(2^{256/2} = 2^{128} = 3.40 \ast 10^{38}\) attempts
    • Computing 1 million a second takes \(1.08 \ast 10^{31}\) years
  • reference

CRC32: Cyclic Redundancy Check

  • The hash value is a 32-bit integer
    • There are variants of other bits: 16, 64, etc.
  • Is used for downloading files (via modem, download program, etc.) – i.e. as a checksum
    • It works great for this purpose
  • With the (simple) math behind the checksum, and “only” 4 billion possibilities, one can target a specific CRC 32 hash value

MD5: Message Digest 5

  • Produces a 128-bit value (\(3.4 \ast 10^{38}\) possible values)
    • Expressed as a 32-digit hex number
  • It used to be the most widely used algorithm
  • Designed in 1991 when research indicated its predecessor (MD4) was insecure
  • Printed in hex:
$ md5sum message1.txt 
afe68f753a65f773a591bcf6f9ce3c63  message1.txt
  • Still sometimes used for file downloading
    • CERT: “should be considered cryptographically broken and unsuitable for further use”

SHA-0 and SHA-1

  • Designed by the NSA
    • After the DES debacle, it’s become an open standard
    • Published by NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology)
  • 160 bit hash
  • SHA-0 (1993): had a flaw, was quickly corrected
    • The flaw introduced an unintended weakness
  • SHA-1 (1995): fixed that flaw, was very widely used for security applications
    • But typically not for downloading files

SHA-0 and SHA-1

  • In 2005, security flaws were discovered in SHA-1
    • A vulnerability has not been shown, however
    • reference


  • Designed in 2001 to address the flaw discovered in SHA-1
    • There are 4 variants, depending on the length of key desired: SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512
  • SHA-2 is mathematically similar (but not identical!) to SHA-1
    • So if there are vulnerabilities in SHA-1, do they exist in SHA-2?
    • Nobody knows, but this lead to the development of SHA-3
  • Most US gov’t applications require a SHA-2 hash
  • See the pseudocode here


  • Intent is for it NOT to derive (or be similar to) SHA-2
    • So if the SHA-1 vulnerability exists in SHA-2, it thus will not affect SHA-3
  • NIST (National Institute for Standards and Technology) had an open solicitation / compettion for the algorithm
    • The particular one selected was Keccak

Storing passwords

  • No (secure) system stores user passwords in plaintext
  • Instead it stores a hash of those passwords
    • On login, it hashes your attempt, and then compares the hashes
    • Thus, there could be multiple passwords that would log you in
  • This leads to vulnerabilities…

Dictionary attacks

  • To perform a dictionary attack:
    • Take every hashed password for a given system
    • Take every word in the English language, and hash it
    • Find the intersection of those, and you have a bunch of passwords

Rainbow tables

  • A rainbow table is a pre-computed list of all hashed passwords
    • Here is the one for ‘password’
  • They are searchable (by hash) via Google

Password Salting

  • To prevent dictionary attacks, and limit the usefulness of rainbow tables, passwords are salted
  • Each password is given a random number, or salt, which is added to the hash
  • Normally, ‘password’ has MD5 hash of 5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99
  • Adding a random salt: ‘password935723798539’ has MD5 hash of 80d2b285e1d5e9b3078383a2e96074bf
    • With a reasonable size salt, rainbow tables and dictionary attacks are of less use due to the search space size

Hashes we’ll see

Calling SHA-256 in C

From rossettacode.org; compile with -lssl -lcrypto:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <openssl/sha.h>
int main (void) {
  const char *s = "Rosetta code";
  unsigned char *d = SHA256(s, strlen(s), 0);
  int i;
  for (i = 0; i < SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH; i++)
    printf("%02x", d[i]);
  return 0;

Calling SHA-256 in Python & Java

From rossettacode.org – just call hashlib.sha256():

>>> import hashlib
>>> hashlib.sha256( "Rosetta code".encode() ).hexdigest()

For Java, see here, but change MD5 to SHA-256 (reference)

Calling SHA-256 from the command line

$ sha256sum lorem-ipsum.txt 
32e7ac08ab60eff44f6f69fcb3ef45713bfdf3338d4e62a725e451f8f0b08eef  lorem-ipsum.txt

Applied Cryptography

Openssl to generate a RSA Key

$ openssl genpkey -algorithm RSA \
    -pkeyopt rsa_keygen_bits:2048 \
    -out key.pem

PEM key file format

$ cat key.pem

OpenSSL to view a RSA Key

$ openssl rsa -in key.pem -text -noout
RSA Private-Key: (2048 bit, 2 primes)
publicExponent: 65537 (0x10001)

Openssl to generate & view ECDSA keys

$ openssl ecparam -out ec_key.pem -name secp256k1 -genkey
$ cat ec_key.pem 

Openssl to view an ECDSA key

$ cat ec_key.pem
read EC key
Private-Key: (256 bit)
ASN1 OID: secp256k1
  • Private key (scalar) \(d \approx 4.66 \ast 10^{76}\)
  • Public key (point) \(Q \approx (1.01 \ast 10^{76}, 9.29 \ast 10^{76})\)