Unix Power Tools
Whether you are a newcomer or a Unix power user, you'll find yourself thumbing through the goldmine of information in the new edition of Unix Power Tools to add to your store of knowledge. Want to try something new? Check this book first, and you're sure to find a tip or trick that will prevent you from learning things the hard way. The latest edition of this best-selling favorite is loaded with advice about almost every aspect of Unix, covering all the new technologies that users need to know. In addition to vital information on Linux, Darwin, and BSD, Unix Power Tools 3rd Edition now offers more coverage of bash, zsh, and other new shells, along with discussions about modern utilities and applications. |
Ubuntu Linux for Non-geeks
Written in an informal, conversational style, it is perfect for non-technical users who would like to start installing and using Linux on their PC. Full of tips, tricks, and helpful pointers, Ubuntu Linux for Non-geeks It covers all the topics likely to be of interest to an average desktop user, such as installing new software; Internet connectivity; working with printers, scanners, and removable storage devices; and handling DVDs, audio files, and even iPods. |
Unix in a Nutshell
The latest edition of this bestselling reference brings Unix up-to-date. It's been reworked to keep current with the broader state of Unix in today's world and highlight the strengths of this operating system in all its various flavors. New topics include package management programs, source code management systems, and the Solaris 10, GNU/Linux, and Mac OS X systems. |
Essential System Administration
Essential System Administration,3rd Edition is the definitive guide for Unix system administration. It provides a clear, concise, practical guide to the real-world issues that anyone responsible for a Unix system faces daily. The new edition of this indispensable reference has been fully updated for all the latest operating systems. It describes all the usual administrative tools that Unix provides, but it also shows how to use them intelligently and efficiently. |
Classic Shell Scripting
Writing shell scripts requires more than just a knowledge of the shell language, it also requires familiarity with the individual Unix programs: why each one is there, how to use them by themselves, and in combination with the other programs. The authors are intimately familiar with the tips and tricks that can be used to create excellent scripts, as well as the traps that can make your best effort a bad shell script. With Classic Shell Scripting you'll avoid hours of wasted effort. You'll learn not only write useful shell scripts, but how to do it properly and portably. |
More Recommended BooksA full list of other Unix and Linux books you may find useful are available at Amazon.