VirtualBox image creation details

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For those who are interested, this is how the VirtualBox image was created.


This page has a number of different sections, and the sections you need to install will vary depending on what course you are using this image for. The top of each section describes which of the sub-sections need to be installed for what.

Software Versions

This installation document installs the following versions:

Newer versions of the above may have since come out, but at the time of the last update of this document (September 2022), they the latest versions installed via apt (the package installation program).


Basic installation

All installations need to run through this, as it sets up the default Ubuntu installation.

Basic installation

Development installation

The “Program and Data Representation configuration” section is for the Program and Data Representation course, and it includes all of the compilers and editors needed. The “Python/Django” section installs the files needed to run Python 3 and the Django framework.

Program and Data Representation configuration

sudo update-alternatives --set cc /usr/bin/clang
sudo update-alternatives --set c++ /usr/bin/clang++
sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/llvm-symbolizer llvm-symbolizer /usr/bin/llvm-symbolizer-14 1000
alias mv='mv -i'
alias rm='rm -i'
alias cp='cp -i'
alias xemacs='emacs'

Introduction to Cybersecurity configuration

These are not included in this repo, but can be found in the aaronbloomfield/ics repo. These instructions were last updated in August 2019.

Service Learning Practicum configuration section

These sections are no longer included here, nor used in the images currently distributed, but can be found in the latest version of the aaronbloomfield/slp repo. There were two sections for this: “LAMP configuration (with both PHP and Python 3)” and “Ruby on Rails configuration”. Note that that repo, and the linked instructions, were last updated in August of 2017. All the versions stated therein are outdated, and many (all?) of those instructions may need tweaking to work properly again.

Programming Contest configuration section

This section is no longer included here, nor used in the images currently distributed, but can be found in an old version of the PDR repo. That version was last updated in the spring of 2018.

Image completion

The “Image finalization” section should be run on every image.

Image finalization

Increasing the disk size

With the current selected size of the image, this is no longer necessary. However, if you are interested in seeing how this is done, you can view it here (at the very bottom of that page)

Changes for the future

None yet!