# CS 4760 ### Network Security
Aaron Bloomfield
## Daily Announcements ## Spring 2024
Final Exam
xkcd # 2385
## The End - Office hours: - Mine are M/W 8:30-10 am in Rice 402; TAs are Mon 2-4, Mon 5-7, Tue 5-7; all in Rice 442 - Adding Mon 5-7, removing Tue 3-5 and Fri 2-4 - This is listed on the [Canvas landing page](https://canvas.its.virginia.edu/courses/92875), along with a link to the TA pictures and bios - They are ending after this Tuesday - Support requests are mostly caught up - Homeworks: (due by 11:59:59 pm on that day; Gradescope opens up 3 days prior) - [HW P7: CTF](../hws/ctf/index.html) is out, and due tomorrow (Tuesday, 4/30) - Relevant info is on the Canvas landing page - A hint web page is available as well - Apparently ping is only working from on-grounds, not via a VPN - Grading: still left to grade: a whole bunch of stuffs - Regrades: - Auto-graded HWs via a support request, written ones via Gradescope, all within about 1 week - Regrades are going to take some time; don't hold your breath on those... - About the final exam: there will not be an *in-person **AND** required* final exam - Legalese: There may still be a final, but it will either be online, optional, a make-up, etc. - I'm not sure how I want to handle this yet, but the grading percentages will have to change - The intent is to make it a combination of a survey and a CTF-style exam, which you can do from anywhere - Today we will finish [Network Malware](../slides/malware.html#/) starting on 9.9 - Then onto the [course conclusion](../slides/conclusion.html#/)
## Lecture 41: Fri, Apr 26th - Office hours: - Mine are M/W 8:30-10 am in Rice 402; TAs are Mon 2-4, Mon 5-7, Tue 5-7; all in Rice 442 - Adding Mon 5-7, removing Tue 3-5 and Fri 2-4 - This is listed on the [Canvas landing page](https://canvas.its.virginia.edu/courses/92875), along with a link to the TA pictures and bios - Support requests are mostly caught up - Homeworks: (due by 11:59:59 pm on that day; Gradescope opens up 3 days prior) - [HW S7: Snort](../hws/snort/index.html) was due Wednesday - Frustration level: avg 3.53, stdev 1.04, n=45 - Difficulty: avg 3.36, stdev 0.74, n=45 - Average time taken: 4.14 hours, stdev 1.61, n=45 - [HW P7: CTF](../hws/ctf/index.html) is out, and due Tuesday (4/30) - Relevant info is on the Canvas landing page - A hint web page is available as well - Grading: still left to grade: last two quizzes and the DNS HW (and, shortly, the XSS HW) - Progress is being made on all three of those... - Regrades: - Auto-graded HWs via a support request, written ones via Gradescope, all within about 1 week - Regrades are going to take some time; don't hold your breath on those... - Readings: - None assigned currently - About the final exam: there will not be an *in-person **AND** required* final exam - Legalese: There may still be a final, but it will either be online, optional, a make-up, etc. - I'm not sure how I want to handle this yet, but the grading percentages will have to change - Today we will continue [Network Malware](../slides/malware.html#/) starting on 8.1
## Lecture 40: Wed, Apr 24th - Office hours: - Mine are M/W 8:30-10 am in Rice 402; TAs are Mon 2-4, Mon 5-7, Tue 5-7; all in Rice 442 - Adding Mon 5-7, removing Tue 3-5 and Fri 2-4 - This is listed on the [Canvas landing page](https://canvas.its.virginia.edu/courses/92875), along with a link to the TA pictures and bios - Support requests are mostly caught up - Homeworks: (due by 11:59:59 pm on that day; Gradescope opens up 3 days prior) - [HW S7: Snort](../hws/snort/index.html) was due yesterday -- how did it go? - The next (and last) homework, a capture-the-flag assignment, should be out later today - Grading: still left to grade: last two quizzes and the DNS HW (and, shortly, the XSS HW) - Progress is being made on all three of those... - Regrades: - Auto-graded HWs via a support request, written ones via Gradescope, all within about 1 week - Regrades are going to take some time; don't hold your breath on those... - Readings: - None assigned currently - About the final exam: there will not be an *in-person **AND** required* final exam - Legalese: There may still be a final, but it will either be online, optional, a make-up, etc. - I'm not sure how I want to handle this yet, but the grading percentages will have to change - Today we will continue [Network Malware](../slides/malware.html#/) starting on 6.3
## Lecture 38: Fri, Apr 19th - Office hours: - Mine are M/W 8:30-10 am in Rice 402; TAs are Mon 2-4, Mon 5-7, Tue 5-7; all in Rice 442 - Adding Mon 5-7, removing Tue 3-5 and Fri 2-4 - This is listed on the [Canvas landing page](https://canvas.its.virginia.edu/courses/92875), along with a link to the TA pictures and bios - Support requests are mostly caught up - Homeworks: (due by 11:59:59 pm on that day; Gradescope opens up 3 days prior) - [HW S7: Snort](../hws/snort/index.html), is out, due next Tuesday - For the last part, you only have to do two rules (previously it was three) - Grading: still left to grade: last two quizzes and the DNS HW (and, shortly, the XSS HW) - Progress is being made on all three of those... - Regrades: - Auto-graded HWs via a support request, written ones via Gradescope, all within about 1 week - Regrades are going to take some time; don't hold your breath on those... - Readings: - None assigned currently - About the final exam: there will not be an *in-person **AND** required* final exam - Legalese: There may still be a final, but it will either be online, optional, a make-up, etc. - I'm not sure how I want to handle this yet, but the grading percentages will have to change - Today we will continue [Intrusion Detection Systems](../slides/ids.html#/), starting on 3.11 - Next up: [Network Malware](../slides/malware.html#/)
## Lecture 37: Wed, Apr 17th - Office hours: - Mine are M/W 8:30-10 am in Rice 402; TAs are Mon 2-4, Mon 5-7, Tue 5-7; all in Rice 442 - Adding Mon 5-7, removing Tue 3-5 and Fri 2-4 - This is listed on the [Canvas landing page](https://canvas.its.virginia.edu/courses/92875), along with a link to the TA pictures and bios - Support requests are all caught up!!! Or, rather, they were as of Sunday night - Homeworks: (due by 11:59:59 pm on that day; Gradescope opens up 3 days prior) - [HW P6: XSS](../hws/xss/index.html) was due yesterday; how did it go? - Frustration level: vg 2.39, stdev 0.92, n=44 - Difficulty: avg 2.86, stdev 0.93, n=44 - Average time taken: 2.79 hours, stdev 1.32, n=44 - The next HW, on [Snort](../hws/snort/index.html), will be out today - A draft is ready, but I want to do a few more editing runs though it - Grading: still left to grade: last two quizzes and the DNS HW (and, shortly, the XSS HW) - Progress is being made on all three of those... - Regrades: - Auto-graded HWs via a support request, written ones via Gradescope, all within about 1 week - Regrades are going to take some time; don't hold your breath on those... - Readings: - None assigned currently - About the final exam: there will not be an *in-person **AND** required* final exam - Legalese: There may still be a final, but it will either be online, optional, a make-up, etc. - I'm not sure how I want to handle this yet, but the grading percentages will have to change - Today we will continue [Attacks](../slides/attacks.html#/), starting on 6.3 - Next up: [Intrusion Detection Systems](../slides/ids.html#/)
## Lecture 36: Mon, Apr 15th: TAX DAY - Office hours: - Mine are M/W 8:30-10 am in Rice 402; TAs are Mon 2-4, Mon 5-7, Tue 5-7; all in Rice 442 - Adding Mon 5-7, removing Tue 3-5 and Fri 2-4 - This is listed on the [Canvas landing page](https://canvas.its.virginia.edu/courses/92875), along with a link to the TA pictures and bios - Support requests are all caught up!!! - Homeworks: (due by 11:59:59 pm on that day; Gradescope opens up 3 days prior) - [HW P6: XSS](../hws/xss/index.html) is due this Tuesday, April 16th - Apparently it does not work in Chrome - The auto-grader will be opened up tonight, but it can't check anything upon submission - Grading: still left to grade: last two quizzes and the DNS HW - Progress is being made on all three of those... - Regrades: - Auto-graded HWs via a support request, written ones via Gradescope, all within about 1 week - Regrades are going to take some time; don't hold your breath on those... - Readings: - None assigned currently - About the final exam: there will not be an *in-person **AND** required* final exam - Legalese: There may still be a final, but it will either be online, optional, a make-up, etc. - I'm not sure how I want to handle this yet, but the grading percentages will have to change - Today we will continue with [Web security](../slides/websecurity.html#/), starting on 5.11 - Then back to [Attacks](../slides/attacks.html#/)
## Lecture 35: Fri, Apr 12th - Office hours: - Mine are M/W 8:30-10 am in Rice 402; TAs are Mon 2-4, Mon 5-7, Tue 5-7; all in Rice 442 - Adding Mon 5-7, removing Tue 3-5 and Fri 2-4 - This is listed on the [Canvas landing page](https://canvas.its.virginia.edu/courses/92875), along with a link to the TA pictures and bios - Support requests are behind again - Homeworks: (due by 11:59:59 pm on that day; Gradescope opens up 3 days prior) - [HW P6: XSS](../hws/xss/index.html) is due next Tuesday, April 16th - Apparently it does not work in Chrome - Grading: still left to grade: last two quizzes and the DNS HW - Progress is being made on all three of those... - Regrades: - Auto-graded HWs via a support request, written ones via Gradescope, all within about 1 week - Regrades are going to take some time; don't hold your breath on those... - Readings: - None assigned currently - About the final exam: there will not be an *in-person **AND** required* final exam - Legalese: There may still be a final, but it will either be online, optional, a make-up, etc. - I'm not sure how I want to handle this yet, but the grading percentages will have to change - Today we will continue with [Web security](../slides/websecurity.html#/), starting on 3.10
## Lecture 34: Wed, Apr 10th - Office hours: - Mine are M/W 8:30-10 am in Rice 402; TAs are Mon 2-4, Mon 5-7, Tue 5-7; all in Rice 442 - Adding Mon 5-7, removing Tue 3-5 and Fri 2-4 - This is listed on the [Canvas landing page](https://canvas.its.virginia.edu/courses/92875), along with a link to the TA pictures and bios - Support requests are behind again - Homeworks: (due by 11:59:59 pm on that day; Gradescope opens up 3 days prior) - [HW P6: XSS](../hws/xss/index.html) is due next Tuesday, April 16th - Apparently it does not work in Chrome - Grading: still left to grade: last two quizzes and the DNS HW - Regrades: - Auto-graded HWs via a support request, written ones via Gradescope, all within about 1 week - Regrades are going to take some time; don't hold your breath on those... - Readings: - None assigned currently - About the final exam: there will not be an *in-person **AND** required* final exam - Legalese: There may still be a final, but it will either be online, optional, a make-up, etc. - I'm not sure how I want to handle this yet, but the grading percentages will have to change - Today we will start on [Web security](../slides/websecurity.html#/)
## ECLIPSE DAY!!! - Eclipse information - Begins at 2:01 pm, ends at 4:31 pm - Maximum at 3:17 pm (88.3% covered) - Office hours: - Mine are M/W 8:30-10 am in Rice 402; TAs are Mon 2-4, Mon 5-7, Tue 5-7; all in Rice 442 - Adding Mon 5-7, removing Tue 3-5 and Fri 2-4 - No OH for me today because of the eclipse - This is listed on the [Canvas landing page](https://canvas.its.virginia.edu/courses/92875), along with a link to the TA pictures and bios - Support requests are mostly caught up - Homeworks: (due by 11:59:59 pm on that day; Gradescope opens up 3 days prior) - Next HW will be out today, on XSS - Grading: still left to grade: last two quizzes and the DNS HW - Regrades: - Auto-graded HWs via a support request, written ones via Gradescope, all within about 1 week - Regrades are going to take some time; don't hold your breath on those... - Readings: - None assigned currently - About the final exam: there will not be an *in-person **AND** required* final exam - Legalese: There may still be a final, but it will either be online, optional, a make-up, etc. - I'm not sure how I want to handle this yet, but the grading percentages will have to change - Today we will finish with [Social Engineering](../slides/social-eng.html#/) starting at 4.11 - Next up: [Web security](../slides/websecurity.html#/)
## Lecture 32: Fri, Apr 5th - Office hours: - Mine are M/W 8:30-10 am in Rice 402; TAs are Mon 2-4, Mon 5-7, Tue 5-7; all in Rice 442 - Adding Mon 5-7, removing Tue 3-5 and Fri 2-4 - My OH on Monday will be 2-4, with an eclipse break in the middle - This is listed on the [Canvas landing page](https://canvas.its.virginia.edu/courses/92875), along with a link to the TA pictures and bios - Support requests are mostly caught up - Homeworks: (due by 11:59:59 pm on that day; Gradescope opens up 3 days prior) - Next HW will be out soon - Grading: [HW P4: TCP Reconstruction](../hws/tcprecon/index.html) was graded and returned this past Tuesday - Still left to grade: last two quizzes and the DNS HW - Regrades: - Auto-graded HWs via a support request, written ones via Gradescope, all within about 1 week - Regrades are going to take some time; don't hold your breath on those... - Readings: - Due this today: watch [Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Data Brokers](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wqn3gR1WTcA) from Apr 11, 2022; 25 minutes - About the final exam: there will not be an *in-person **AND** required* final exam - Legalese: There may still be a final, but it will either be online, optional, a make-up, etc. - I'm not sure how I want to handle this yet, but the grading percentages will have to change - Today we will talk about with [Social Engineering](../slides/social-eng.html#/)
## Lecture 31: Wed, Apr 3rd - Office hours: - Mine are M/W 8:30-10 am in Rice 402; TAs are Mon 2-4, Mon 5-7, Tue 5-7; all in Rice 442 - Adding Mon 5-7, removing Tue 3-5 and Fri 2-4 - This is listed on the [Canvas landing page](https://canvas.its.virginia.edu/courses/92875), along with a link to the TA pictures and bios - Support requests are mostly caught up - Homeworks: (due by 11:59:59 pm on that day; Gradescope opens up 3 days prior) - [HW P5: DNS Spoofing](../hws/dnsspoof/index.html) was due yesterday. There were some... issues. - Frustration level: avg 3.51, stdev 1.27, n=41 - Difficulty: avg 2.59, stdev 0.81, n=41 - Average time taken: 4.52 hours, stdev 3.21, n=41 - Grading: [HW P4: TCP Reconstruction](../hws/tcprecon/index.html) was graded and returned last night - Still left to grade: last two quizzes and the DNS HW - Regrades: - Auto-graded HWs via a support request, written ones via Gradescope, all within about 1 week - Regrades are going to take some time; don't hold your breath on those... - Readings: - Due this Friday (April 5): watch [Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Data Brokers](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wqn3gR1WTcA) from Apr 11, 2022; 25 minutes - About the final exam: there will not be an *in-person **AND** required* final exam - Legalese: There may still be a final, but it will either be online, optional, a make-up, etc. - I'm not sure how I want to handle this yet, but the grading percentages will have to change - Today we will continue with [BGP](../slides/bgp.html#/) starting on 3.5
## Lecture 30: Mon, Apr 1st - Office hours: - Mine are M/W 8:30-10 am in Rice 402; TAs are Mon 2-4, Mon 5-7, Tue 5-7; all in Rice 442 - Adding Mon 5-7, removing Tue 3-5 and Fri 2-4 - This is listed on the [Canvas landing page](https://canvas.its.virginia.edu/courses/92875), along with a link to the TA pictures and bios - Support requests are mostly caught up - Homeworks: (due by 11:59:59 pm on that day; Gradescope opens up 3 days prior) - [HW P5: DNS Spoofing](../hws/dnsspoof/index.html) is out, and due next Tuesday - So.... problems. It's all Microsoft's fault. - Regrades: - Auto-graded HWs via a support request, written ones via Gradescope, all within about 1 week - Regrades are going to take some time; don't hold your breath on those... - Readings: - Due Friday (April 5): watch [Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Data Brokers](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wqn3gR1WTcA) from Apr 11, 2022; 25 minutes - About the final exam: there will not be an *in-person **AND** required* final exam - Legalese: There may still be a final, but it will either be online, optional, a make-up, etc. - I'm not sure how I want to handle this yet, but the grading percentages will have to change - Today we will finish with [attack examples](../slides/attacks.html#/) starting on 5.1 - Next up: [BGP](../slides/bgp.html#/)
## Lecture 29: Fri, Mar 29th - Office hours: - Mine are M/W 8:30-10 am in Rice 402; TAs are Mon 2-4, Tue 3-7, and Fri 2-4; all in Rice 442 - Fri 2-4 may be ending - This is listed on the [Canvas landing page](https://canvas.its.virginia.edu/courses/92875), along with a link to the TA pictures and bios - Support requests are mostly caught up - Homeworks: (due by 11:59:59 pm on that day; Gradescope opens up 3 days prior) - [HW P5: DNS Spoofing](../hws/dnsspoof/index.html) is out, and due Tuesday (tomorrow) - Troubleshooting issues... - Regrades: - Auto-graded HWs via a support request, written ones via Gradescope, all within about 1 week - Regrades are going to take some time; don't hold your breath on those... - Readings from [the textbook](https://www.amazon.com/dp/1733003967): - Due today: Du, chapter 12 (BGP): sections 12.1-12.7, but not 12.4 - Due next Friday (April 5): watch [Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Data Brokers](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wqn3gR1WTcA) from Apr 11, 2022; 25 minutes - About the final exam: there will not be an *in-person **AND** required* final exam - Legalese: There may still be a final, but it will either be online, optional, a make-up, etc. - I'm not sure how I want to handle this yet, but the grading percentages will have to change - Today we will continue with [attack examples](../slides/attacks.html#/) starting on 4.1 - Next up: BGP
## Lecture 28: Wed, Mar 27th - Office hours: - Mine are M/W 8:30-10 am in Rice 402; TAs are Mon 2-4, Tue 3-7, and Fri 2-4; all in Rice 442 - Fri 2-4 may be ending - This is listed on the [Canvas landing page](https://canvas.its.virginia.edu/courses/92875), along with a link to the TA pictures and bios - Support requests are mostly caught up - Homeworks: (due by 11:59:59 pm on that day; Gradescope opens up 3 days prior) - [HW P5: DNS Spoofing](../hws/dnsspoof/index.html) will be ready tonight - Regrades: - Auto-graded HWs via a support request, written ones via Gradescope, all within about 1 week - Regrades are going to take some time; don't hold your breath on those... - Readings from [the textbook](https://www.amazon.com/dp/1733003967): BGP, chapter 12 (sections 12.1-12.7, but not 12.4) - About the final exam: there will not be an *in-person **AND** required* final exam - Legalese: There may still be a final, but it will either be online, optional, a make-up, etc. - I'm not sure how I want to handle this yet, but the grading percentages will have to change - Today we will continue with [DNS](../slides/dns.html#/), starting on 5.12 - Next up: [attack examples](../slides/attacks.html#/)
## Lecture 27: Mon, Mar 25th - Office hours: - Mine are M/W 8:30-10 am in Rice 402; TAs are Mon 2-4, Tue 3-7, and Fri 2-4; all in Rice 442 - Fri 2-4 may be ending - This is listed on the [Canvas landing page](https://canvas.its.virginia.edu/courses/92875), along with a link to the TA pictures and bios - Support requests are mostly caught up - Homeworks: (due by 11:59:59 pm on that day; Gradescope opens up 3 days prior) - The next homework (DNS) will be out today or tomorrow - Regrades: - Auto-graded HWs via a support request, written ones via Gradescope, all within about 1 week - Regrades are going to take some time; don't hold your breath on those... - Readings from [the textbook](https://www.amazon.com/dp/1733003967): BGP, chapter 12 (sections 12.1-12.7, but not 12.4) - About the final exam: there will not be an *in-person **AND** required* final exam - Legalese: There may still be a final, but it will either be online, optional, a make-up, etc. - I'm not sure how I want to handle this yet, but the grading percentages will have to change - Today we will continue with [DNS](../slides/dns.html#/), starting on 4.34
## Lecture 26: Fri, Mar 22nd - Office hours: - Mine are M/W 8:30-10 am in Rice 402; TAs are Mon 2-4, Tue 3-7, and Fri 2-4; all in Rice 442 - Fri 2-4 may be ending, but won't be held today - This is listed on the [Canvas landing page](https://canvas.its.virginia.edu/courses/92875), along with a link to the TA pictures and bios - Support requests are mostly caught up - Homeworks: (due by 11:59:59 pm on that day; Gradescope opens up 3 days prior) - Next homework will be a ~~DNS~~ Firewall homework, but it's not yet ready - [Midterm](../exams/midterm-s24.pdf) before spring break; it's graded and returned - Average was 35.2/48 (73.3%) with a standard deviation of 6.9 (14.3%) - Regrades are open until the end of the day today - Regrades: - Auto-graded HWs via a support request, written ones via Gradescope, all within about 1 week - Regrades are going to take some time; don't hold your breath on those... - Readings from [the textbook](https://www.amazon.com/dp/1733003967): yes, there is one, due next Friday, on BGP; details to be posted on the Canvas landing page later tonight. - About the final exam: there will not be an *in-person **AND** required* final exam - Legalese: There may still be a final, but it will either be online, optional, a make-up, etc. - I'm not sure how I want to handle this yet, but the grading percentages will have to change - Today we will continue with [DNS](../slides/dns.html#/), starting on 4.7
## Lecture 25: Wed, Mar 20th - Office hours: - Mine are M/W 8:30-10 am in Rice 402; TAs are Mon 2-4, Tue 3-7, and Fri 2-4; all in Rice 442 - Fri 2-4 may be ending - This is listed on the [Canvas landing page](https://canvas.its.virginia.edu/courses/92875), along with a link to the TA pictures and bios - Support requests are behind again - Homeworks: (due by 11:59:59 pm on that day; Gradescope opens up 3 days prior) - Due yesterday: [TCP reconstruction](../hws/tcprecon/index.html): how did it go? Ignore a score of 0 on this assignment - Frustration: avg 2.67, stdev 1.09, n=45 - Difficulty: avg 2.98, stdev 0.94, n=45 - Average time taken: 4.89 hours, stdev 3.04, n=45 - Next homework will be a DNS homework, but it's not yet ready - [Midterm](../exams/midterm-s24.pdf) before spring break; it's graded and returned - Average was 35.2/48 (73.3%) with a standard deviation of 6.9 (14.3%) - Regrades are open until the end of the day today - Regrades: - Auto-graded HWs via a support request, written ones via Gradescope, all within about 1 week - Regrades are going to take some time; don't hold your breath on those... - Readings from [the textbook](https://www.amazon.com/dp/1733003967): none yet, more assigned soon - About the final exam: there will not be an *in-person **AND** required* final exam - Legalese: There may still be a final, but it will either be online, optional, a make-up, etc. - I'm not sure how I want to handle this yet, but the grading percentages will have to change - Today we will continue with [DNS](../slides/dns.html#/), starting on 3.19
## Lecture 24: Mon, Mar 18th - Office hours: - Mine are M/W 8:30-10 am in Rice 402; TAs are Mon 2-4, Tue 3-7, and Fri 2-4; all in Rice 442 - Fri 2-4 may be ending - This is listed on the [Canvas landing page](https://canvas.its.virginia.edu/courses/92875), along with a link to the TA pictures and bios - Support requests are behind again - Homeworks: (due by 11:59:59 pm on that day; Gradescope opens up 3 days prior) - Due tomorrow, Tuesday, March 19th: [TCP reconstruction](../hws/tcprecon/index.html) - A few notes: index.html size, FIN packets are not HTTP, write in binary mode, submission will open tonight - [Midterm](../exams/midterm-s24.pdf) before spring break; it's graded and returned - Average was 35.2/48 (73.3%) with a standard deviation of 6.9 (14.3%) - Regrades are open until the middle of this week - Grading: everything has been returned! Don't get use to this, though.... - Regrades: - Auto-graded HWs via a support request, written ones via Gradescope, all within about 1 week - Regrades are going to take some time; don't hold your breath on those... - Readings from [the textbook](https://www.amazon.com/dp/1733003967): due today, Monday (3/18): Du, chapter 10 (sections 10.1 -- 10.4) and chapter 11; total of 28 pages - About the final exam: there will not be an *in-person **AND** required* final exam - Legalese: There may still be a final, but it will either be online, optional, a make-up, etc. - I'm not sure how I want to handle this yet, but the grading percentages will have to change - Today we will start on [DNS](../slides/dns.html#/)
## Lecture 23: Fri, Mar 15th - Office hours: - Mine are M/W 8:30-10 am in Rice 402; TAs are Mon 2-4, Tue 3-7, and Fri 2-4; all in Rice 442 - This is listed on the [Canvas landing page](https://canvas.its.virginia.edu/courses/92875), along with a link to the TA pictures and bios - Support requests are caught up - Homeworks: (due by 11:59:59 pm on that day; Gradescope opens up 3 days prior) - Due next Tuesday, March 19th: [TCP reconstruction](../hws/tcprecon/index.html) - [Midterm](../exams/midterm-s24.pdf) before spring break; it's graded and returned - Average was 35.2/48 (73.3%) with a standard deviation of 6.9 (14.3%) - We'll go over it today - Regrades are open until early next week - Grading: everything has been returned! - Don't get use to this, though.... - Regrades: - Auto-graded HWs: submit it as a support request within about 1 week of when it is returned - For the written assignments (midterm, quizzes), the regrade request is through Gradescope, also within about 1 week - Regrades are going to take some time; don't hold your breath on those... - Readings from [the textbook](https://www.amazon.com/dp/1733003967): due next Monday (3/18): Du, chapter 10 (sections 10.1 -- 10.4) and chapter 11; total of 28 pages - About the final exam: there will not be an *in-person **AND** required* final exam - Legalese: There may still be a final, but it will either be online, optional, a make-up, etc. - I'm not sure how I want to handle this yet, but the grading percentages will have to change - Today we will continue with [Encryption](../slides/encryption.html#/) starting on 7.15
## Lecture 22: Wed, Mar 13th - Office hours: - Mine are M/W 8:30-10 am in Rice 402; TAs are Mon 2-4, Tue 3-7, and Fri 2-4; all in Rice 442 - My office hours today are 12-1:30, not 8:30-9 - This is listed on the [Canvas landing page](https://canvas.its.virginia.edu/courses/92875), along with a link to the TA pictures and bios - Support requests are caught up - Homeworks: (due by 11:59:59 pm on that day; Gradescope opens up 3 days prior) - Due next Tuesday, March 19th: [TCP reconstruction](../hws/tcprecon/index.html) - [Midterm](../exams/midterm-s24.pdf) before spring break; it's graded and returned - Average was 35.2/48 (73.3%) with a standard deviation of 6.9 (14.3%) - We'll go over it today - Let's chat about submitting regrades; they'll open up later today - Grading: everything has been returned! - Don't get use to this, though.... - Regrades: - Auto-graded HWs: submit it as a support request within about 1 week of when it is returned - For the written assignments (midterm, quizzes), the regrade request is through Gradescope, also within about 1 week - Regrades are going to take some time; don't hold your breath on those... - Readings from [the textbook](https://www.amazon.com/dp/1733003967): due next Monday (3/18): Du, chapter 10 (sections 10.1 -- 10.4) and chapter 11; total of 28 pages - About the final exam: there will not be an *in-person **AND** required* final exam - Legalese: There may still be a final, but it will either be online, optional, a make-up, etc. - I'm not sure how I want to handle this yet, but the grading percentages will have to change - Today we will continue with [Encryption](../slides/encryption.html#/) starting on 6.16
## Lecture 21: Mon, Mar 11th - Office hours: - Mine are M/W 8:30-10 am in Rice 402; TAs are Mon 2-4, Tue 3-7, and Fri 2-4; all in Rice 442 - My office hours Wednesday will be 12-1:30, not 8:30-9 - This is listed on the [Canvas landing page](https://canvas.its.virginia.edu/courses/92875), along with a link to the TA pictures and bios - Support requests are caught up - Homeworks: (due by 11:59:59 pm on that day; Gradescope opens up 3 days prior) - Web of Trust comments (stats: frustration 2.87, time taken 3.5 hours) - Due next Tuesday, March 19th: TCP reconstruction; this will be out in a day or two - [Midterm](../exams/midterm-s24.pdf) before spring break; it's graded and returned - Average was 35.2/48 (73.3%) with a standard deviation of 6.9 (14.3%) - Let's chat about submitting regrades; they'll open up later today - Grading: only things outstanding are the two reading quizzes; everything else has been returned - Regrades: - Auto-graded assignments: submit it as a support request within about 1 week of when it is returned - For the written assignments (midterm, quizzes), the regrade request is through Gradescope - Regrades are going to take some time; don't hold your breath on those... - Readings from [the textbook](https://www.amazon.com/dp/1733003967): due next Monday (3/18): Du, chapter 10 (sections 10.1 -- 10.4) and chapter 11; total of 28 pages - About the final exam: there will not be an *in-person **AND** required* final exam - Legalese: There may still be a final, but it will either be online, optional, a make-up, etc. - I'm not sure how I want to handle this yet, but the grading percentages will have to change - Today we will continue with [Encryption](../slides/encryption.html#/) starting on 6.1
## Lecture 20: Fri, Mar 1st - Office hours: - Mine are M/W 8:30-10 am in Rice 402 - TAs are Mon 2-4, Tue 3-7, and Fri 2-4; all in Rice 442 - This is listed on the [Canvas landing page](https://canvas.its.virginia.edu/courses/92875), along with a link to the TA pictures and bios - No office hours until we return from spring break - Support requests are backed up again - Homeworks: (due by 11:59:59 pm on that day; Gradescope opens up 3 days prior) - Due today, Friday, March 1st: [HW S6: Web of Trust, part 2 (submission)](../hws/weboftrust/index.html) - You can submit this multiple times, if you want -- it will only tell you if the keys are known or not, and not if they are adversarial or not until later - GPG responses in Canvas' Posted Feedback - Anybody send an email and not receive an answer? If so, email again please. - About the grading... - No homework over spring break, but one will be assigned once we return - [Midterm](../exams/midterm-s24.pdf) this past Wednesday! How was it? - It should be graded and returned by when we come back from spring break - Grading - ARP spoofing: will be finishing this up over spring break - Wireshark will require manual grading of the pcaps, so that will take some time to return - All regrades should be submitted as a support request within about 1 week of when it is returned - Readings from [the textbook](https://www.amazon.com/dp/1733003967): none currently assigned b/c of the upcoming midterm - Today we will continue with [Encryption](../slides/encryption.html#/) starting on 6.1
## Lecture 19: Wed, Feb 28th Midterm today, so no daily announcements.
## Lecture 18: Mon, Feb 26th - Office hours: - Mine are M/W 8:30-10 am in Rice 402 - TAs are Mon 2-4, Tue 3-7, and Fri 2-4; all in Rice 442 - This is listed on the [Canvas landing page](https://canvas.its.virginia.edu/courses/92875), along with a link to the TA pictures and bios - No office hours after the midterm until classes resume after spring break - Support requests are now enabled - Homeworks on next slide - Midterm this Wednesday! - What to prepare (no code, yes to lectures, sorta for textbook readings) - Grading - ARP spoofing: will be finishing this up over spring break - Ping Commands: grades released - Wireshark will require manual grading of the pcaps, so that will take some time to return - All regrades should be submitted as a support request within about 1 week of when it is returned - Readings from [the textbook](https://www.amazon.com/dp/1733003967): none currently assigned b/c of the upcoming midterm - HooHacks! March 23-24. Info at https://hoohacks.io, sign up at https://app.hoohacks.io. - Today we will continue with [Encryption](../slides/encryption.html#/) starting on 4.4 ## Homeworks - Homeworks: (due by 11:59:59 pm on that day; Gradescope opens up 3 days prior) - Due last Friday, February 23rd: [HW S6: Web of Trust, part 1 (key upload)](../hws/weboftrust/index.html) - Generate a PGP key, upload it to Gradescope, send an email - The email response is available via Canvas Posted Feedback - Make sure you sent an email! A few students did not do so. - Due this Friday, March 1st: [HW S6: Web of Trust, part 2 (submission)](../hws/weboftrust/index.html) - You can submit this multiple times, if you want -- it will only tell you if the keys are known or not, and not if they are adversarial or not until later - GPG responses in Canvas' Posted Feedback - Anybody send an email and not receive an answer? If so, email again please. - About the grading...
## Lecture 17: Fri, Feb 23rd - Office hours: - Mine are M/W 8:30-10 am in Rice 402 - TAs are Mon 2-4, Tue 3-7, and Fri 2-4; all in Rice 442 - This is listed on the [Canvas landing page](https://canvas.its.virginia.edu/courses/92875), along with a link to the TA pictures and bios - No office hours after the midterm until classes resume after spring break - Support requests are now enabled - Homeworks: (due by 11:59:59 pm on that day; Gradescope opens up 3 days prior) - Due today (Friday, February 23rd): [HW S6: Web of Trust, part 1](../hws/weboftrust/index.html) - Generate a PGP key, upload it to Gradescope, send an email - The email response is available via Canvas Posted Feedback) - Due Friday, March 1st: [HW S6: Web of Trust, part 2](../hws/weboftrust/index.html) - Midterm next week on Wednesday - Grading - ARP spoofing: the test results are ready, but not the grades; please look them over and let me know if I got it wrong - Ping Commands: grades released - Wireshark will require manual grading of the pcaps, so that will take some time to return - Readings from [the textbook](https://www.amazon.com/dp/1733003967): none currently assigned b/c of the upcoming midterm - Today we will continue with [Encryption](../slides/encryption.html#/) starting on 3.8?
Recap: Survey Results (n=60); updated
| Knowledge | Score | |----|----| | TLS | 2.83 | | Rootkits | 2.87 | | Certificates | 2.95 | | AES | 2.97 | | XSS | 3.03 | | DHE | 3.18 | | OSI model | 3.25 | | Hashing | 3.48 | | Random numbers | 3.47 | | Buffer overflows | 3.57 | | DOSes | 3.58 | | RSA | 3.65 | | SQL injection | 3.82 |
## Lecture 16: Wed, Feb 21st - Office hours: - Mine are M/W 8:30-10 am in Rice 402 - TAs are Mon 2-4, Tue 3-7, and Fri 2-4; all in Rice 442 - This is listed on the [Canvas landing page](https://canvas.its.virginia.edu/courses/92875), along with a link to the TA pictures and bios - Support requests are now enabled, and I'm all caught up - Homeworks: (due by 11:59:59 pm on that day; Gradescope opens up 3 days prior) - Due yesterday: [HW P3: Wireshark](../hws/wireshark/index.html) - Frustration level: avg 2.11, stdev 0.80, n=45 - Wireshark comfort level: avg 2.44, stdev 0.59, n=45 - Difficulty: avg 2.29, stdev 0.69, n=45 - Average time taken: 2.59 hours, stdev 0.88, n=45 - Due this Friday, February 23rd: [HW S6: Web of Trust, part 1](../hws/weboftrust/index.html) - Due Friday, March 1st: [HW S6: Web of Trust, part 2](../hws/weboftrust/index.html) - Midterm next week on Wednesday - Grading - ARP spoofing: the test results are ready, but not the grades; please look them over and let me know if I got it wrong - Ping Commands: grades released - Readings from [the textbook](https://www.amazon.com/dp/1733003967): none currently assigned b/c of the upcoming midterm - Today we will continue with [Firewalls](../slides/firewalls.html#/), starting on 3.3 ## What color is this? What color is the dark background: 
Various creative answers:
#12272e, a very murky dark blue
dark blue almost black
dark blue
dark bluish grey
dark teal, almost black
dark teal
navy black
very very dark blue
## Lecture 15: Mon, Feb 19th - Office hours: - Mine are M/W 8:30-10 am in Rice 402 - TAs are Mon 2-4, Tue 3-7, and Fri 2-4; all in Rice 442 - This is listed on the [Canvas landing page](https://canvas.its.virginia.edu/courses/92875), along with a link to the TA pictures and bios - Support requests are now enabled, and I'm all caught up - Homeworks: (due by 11:59:59 pm on that day; Gradescope opens up 3 days prior) - Due last Fri, Feb 16th: [HW S5: Metasploitable2 Exploration](../hws/metasploit/index.html): how was it? - Amount learned: avg 3.06, stdev 0.63, n=49 - Frustration level: avg 2.00, stdev 1.00, n=49 - Difficulty: avg 1.96, stdev 0.79, n=49 - Average time taken: 1.45 hours, stdev 0.88, n=49 - Due tomorrow, Tuesday, February 20th: [HW P3: Wireshark](../hws/wireshark/index.html) - The necessary links are on the Canvas landing page - Due this Friday, February 23rd: [HW S6: Web of Trust, part 1](../hws/weboftrust/index.html) - Due Friday, March 1st: [HW S6: Web of Trust, part 2](../hws/weboftrust/index.html) - Midterm next week on Wednesday - Grading - ARP spoofing: the test results are ready, but not the grades; please look them over and let me know if I got it wrong - Ping Commands: grades released - Readings from [the textbook](https://www.amazon.com/dp/1733003967): none currently assigned b/c of the upcoming midterm - Today we will continue with [Firewalls](../slides/firewalls.html#/), starting on 3.3
## Lecture 14: Fri, Feb 16th - Office hours: - Mine are M/W 8:30-10 am in Rice 402 - TAs are Mon 2-4, Tue 3-7, and Fri 2-4; all in Rice 442 - This is listed on the [Canvas landing page](https://canvas.its.virginia.edu/courses/92875), along with a link to the TA pictures and bios - Support requests are now enabled, but I'm way behind; I'll catch up this weekend - Homeworks: (due by 11:59:59 pm on that day; Gradescope opens up 3 days prior) - Due today (Fri, Feb 16th): [HW S5: Metasploitable2 Exploration](../hws/metasploit/index.html) - Submission is now open - There was an errant character on line 66 of the Python file; that character has to be removed in order for it to parse correctly upon submission - Due Tuesday, February 20th: [HW P3: Wireshark](../hws/wireshark/index.html) - The necessary links are on the Canvas landing page - Due Friday, February 27th: [HW S6: Web of Trust, part 1](../hws/weboftrust/index.html), which is *almost* ready - Schedule moving forward: - Week of Feb 26th: midterm Wednesday, Web of Trust part 2 due Friday - Week of Mar 4th: spring break - Readings from [the textbook](https://www.amazon.com/dp/1733003967) - Due today (Fri, Feb 16th): Du, chaps 7 (firewall) but not 7.3 and 7.4, and chap 9 (firewall evasion); 27 pp - Today we will finish [Transport Layer](../slides/transport-layer.html#/), starting on 9.4 - Next up: [Firewalls](../slides/firewalls.html#/)
## Happy Valentines Day! - Office hours: - Mine are M/W 8:30-10 am in Rice 402 - TAs are Mon 2-4, Tue 3-7, and Fri 2-4; all in Rice 442 - This is listed on the [Canvas landing page](https://canvas.its.virginia.edu/courses/92875), along with a link to the TA pictures and bios - Homeworks: (due by 11:59:59 pm on that day; Gradescope opens up 3 days prior) - Due yesterday: [HW P2: Ping Commands](../hws/pingcmd/index.html); how did it go? - Frustration level: avg 2.26, stdev 1.03, n=47 - Difficulty: avg 2.83, stdev 0.82, n=47 - Time taken: 3.57 hours, stdev 1.99, n=47 - Due this Fri, Feb 16th: [HW S5: Metasploitable2 Exploration](../hws/metasploit/index.html) - Submission is now open - There was an errant character on line 66 of the Python file; that character has to be removed in order for it to parse correctly upon submission - Due next Tuesday, February 20th: [HW P3: Wireshark](../hws/wireshark/index.html) - The necessary links are on the Canvas landing page - Schedule moving forward: - Week of Feb 19th: Wireshark HW due Tuesday, Web of Trust part 1 due Friday - Week of Feb 26th: midterm Tuesday, Web of Trust part 2 due Friday - Week of Mar 4th: spring break - Readings from [the textbook](https://www.amazon.com/dp/1733003967) - Due this Fri, Feb 16th: Du, chaps 7 (firewall) but not 7.3 and 7.4, and chap 9 (firewall evasion); 27 pp - Today we will likely finish [Transport Layer](../slides/transport-layer.html#/), starting on 8.1
## Lecture 12: Mon, Feb 12th - Office hours: - Mine are M/W 8:30-10 am in Rice 402 - TAs are Mon 2-4, Tue 3-7, and Fri 2-4; all in Rice 442 - This is listed on the [Canvas landing page](https://canvas.its.virginia.edu/courses/92875), along with a link to the TA pictures and bios - Homeworks: (due by 11:59:59 pm on that day; Gradescope opens up 3 days prior) - Due tomorrow, Tue, Feb 13th: [HW P2: Ping Commands](../hws/pingcmd/index.html) - Due Fri, Feb 16th: [HW S5: Metasploitable2 Exploration](../hws/metasploit/index.html) - Schedule moving forward: - Week of Feb 19th: Wireshark HW due Tuesday, Web of Trust part 1 due Friday - Week of Feb 26th: midterm Tuesday, Web of Trust part 2 due Friday - Week of Mar 4th: spring break - Readings from [the textbook](https://www.amazon.com/dp/1733003967) - Due this Fri, Feb 16th: Du, chaps 7 (firewall) but not 7.3 and 7.4, and chap 9 (firewall evasion); 27 pp - Today we will finish [Packet Sniffing and Spoofing](../slides/packets.html#/), starting at 5.3 - Then go back to [Transport Layer](../slides/transport-layer.html#/), starting on 7.1
## Lecture 11: Fri, Feb 9th - Office hours are underway - Mine are M/W 8:30-10 am in Rice 402 - TAs are Mon 2-4, Tue 3-7, and Fri 2-4; all in Rice 442 - This is listed on the [Canvas landing page](https://canvas.its.virginia.edu/courses/92875), along with a link to the TA pictures and bios - Homeworks: (due by 11:59:59 pm on that day; Gradescope opens up 3 days prior) - Due this past Tuesday: [HW P1: ARP Spoofing](../hws/arp/index.html) - I'll start grading it this weekend, but it may not be ready by Monday - Nothing due today - Due Tue, Feb 13th: [HW P2: Ping Commands](../hws/pingcmd/index.html) - Due Fri, Feb 16th: [HW S5: Metasploitable2 Exploration](../hws/metasploit/index.html) - Schedule moving forward: - Week of Feb 19th: Wireshark HW due Tuesday, Web of Trust part 1 due Friday - Week of Feb 26th: midterm Tuesday, Web of Trust part 2 due Friday - Week of Mar 4th: spring break - Readings from [the textbook](https://www.amazon.com/dp/1733003967) - Due today (Fri, Feb 9th): Du, chap 5 (transport layer), sections 6.1-6.3 of chapter 6 (TCP attacks); 25 pp - Due next Fri, Feb 16th: Du, chaps 7 (firewall) but not 7.3 and 7.4, and chap 9 (firewall evasion); 27 pp - Today we will continue with the [Transport Layer](../slides/transport-layer.html#/), starting on 5.3 - Then go back and see a bit more of [Packet Sniffing and Spoofing](../slides/packets.html#/), starting at 5.1
## Lecture 10: Wed, Feb 7th - Office hours are underway - Mine are M/W 8:30-10 am in Rice 402 - TAs are Mon 2-4, Tue 3-7, and Fri 2-4; all in Rice 442 - This is listed on the [Canvas landing page](https://canvas.its.virginia.edu/courses/92875), along with a link to the TA pictures and bios - Homeworks: (due by 11:59:59 pm on that day; Gradescope opens up 3 days prior) - Due yesterday: [HW P1: ARP Spoofing](../hws/arp/index.html) - So.... how did it go? - Statistics: - Difficulty: avg 3.33, stdev 0.83, n=49 - Frustration: avg 3.27, stdev 1.13, n=49 - Average time taken (n=49): 5.10 hours, stdev 2.72 - Due Tue, Feb 13th: [HW P2: Ping Commands](../hws/pingcmd/index.html) - Due Fri, Feb 16th: [HW S5: Metasploitable2 Exploration](../hws/metasploit/index.html) - Note the due date change! Nothing is due this Friday - Readings from [the textbook](https://www.amazon.com/dp/1733003967): due Fri, Feb 9th: Du, chap 5 (transport layer), sections 6.1-6.3 of chapter 6 (TCP attacks); 25 pp - WICS hack-a-thon Feb 24th & 25th: https://www.wicsatuva.com/hack-the-map - I've organized a middle school girls computing club! Interested in helping out? - Today we will finish [Packet Sniffing and Spoofing](../slides/packets.html#/), starting at 4.4 - Next up: [Transport Layer](../slides/transport-layer.html#/)
## Lecture 9: Mon, Feb 5th - Office hours are underway - Mine are M/W 8:30-10 am in Rice 402 - TAs are Mon 2-4, Tue 3-7, and Fri 2-4; all in Rice 442 - This is listed on the [Canvas landing page](https://canvas.its.virginia.edu/courses/92875), along with a link to the TA pictures and bios - Homeworks: (due by 11:59:59 pm on that day; Gradescope opens up 3 days prior) - Due last Friday: [HW S4: Network commands tutorial](../hws/netcmds/index.html) - Knew the commands before: avg 2.37, stdev 1.05, n=52 - Knew the commands after: avg 3.90, stdev 0.77, n=52 - Average time taken (n=52): 1.73 hours - Due Tue, Feb 6: [HW P1: ARP Spoofing](../hws/arp/index.html) - Submission will open tonight, as I am working on a test harness - Due Fri, Feb 9: [HW S5: Metasploitable2 Exploration](../hws/metasploit/index.html) - Due Tue, Feb 13th will be a homework on sending shell commands through a ping - Readings from [the textbook](https://www.amazon.com/dp/1733003967): due Fri, Feb 9th: Du, chap 5 (transport layer), sections 6.1-6.3 of chapter 6 (TCP attacks); 25 pp - Today we will finish with the [network layer](../slides/network-layer.html#/), starting at 7.19 - Next up: [Packet Sniffing and Spoofing](../slides/packets.html#/)
## Lecture 8: Fri, Feb 2nd - Office hours are underway - Mine are M/W 8:30-10 am in Rice 402 - TAs are Mon 2-4, Tue 3-7, and Fri 2-4; all in Rice 442 - This is listed on the [Canvas landing page](https://canvas.its.virginia.edu/courses/92875), along with a link to the TA pictures and bios - Homeworks: (due by 11:59:59 pm on that day; Gradescope opens up 3 days prior) - Due today (Fri, Feb 2): [HW S4: Network commands tutorial](../hws/netcmds/index.html) - Due next Tue, Feb 6: [HW P1: ARP Spoofing](../hws/arp/index.html) - Gradescope can't really test this assignment very well... - Due next Fri, Feb 9: [HW S5: Metasploitable2 Exploration](../hws/metasploit/index.html) - Due Tue, Feb 13th will be a homework on TCP redirection through ICMP - Note the Python version on Gradescope is 3.10.12; I can upgrade that, if desired - Readings from [the textbook](https://www.amazon.com/dp/1733003967): due Fri, Feb 9th: Du, chap 5 (transport layer), sections 6.1-6.3 of chapter 6 (TCP attacks); 25 pp - Today we will continue with the [network layer](../slides/network-layer.html#/), starting at 6.3
## Lecture 7: Wed, Jan 31st - Office hours are underway - Mine are M/W 8:30-10 am in Rice 402 - TAs are Mon 2-4, Tue 3-7, and Fri 2-4; all in Rice 442 - This is listed on the [Canvas landing page](https://canvas.its.virginia.edu/courses/92875), along with a link to the TA pictures and bios - Homeworks: (due by 11:59:59 pm on that day; Gradescope opens up 3 days prior) - [HW S3: Linux tutorial homework](../hws/linux/index.html) stats (n=49) - Time taken: 1.49 hours - Knew Linux commands before: 3.67 - Knew Linux commands after: 4.41 - Went through tutorials: 28 True (57.1%), 21 False (42.9%) - Due this Fri, Feb 2: [HW S4: Network commands tutorial](../hws/netcmds/index.html) - Due next Tue, Feb 6: [HW P1: ARP Spoofing](../hws/arp/index.html) - Due next Fri, Feb 9: [HW S5: Metasploitable2 Exploration](../hws/metasploit/index.html) - Readings from [the textbook](https://www.amazon.com/dp/1733003967): due today: chapter 3 (22 pages) - Today we will continue with the [network layer](../slides/network-layer.html#/), starting at 5.3
## Lecture 6: Mon, Jan 29th - Office hours are underway - Mine are M/W 8:30-10 am in Rice 402 - TAs are Mon 2-4, Tue 3-7, and Fri 2-4; all in Rice 442 - This is listed on the [Canvas landing page](https://canvas.its.virginia.edu/courses/92875), along with a link to the TA pictures and bios - Homeworks: (due by 11:59:59 pm on that day; Gradescope opens up 3 days prior) - [HW S2: Docker homework](../hws/docker/index.html) stats - Docker installed on machine: 50 True (92.6%), 4 False (7.4%), n=54 - Docker GUI working: 40 True (74.1%), 14 False (25.9%), n=54 - Frustration level: avg 2.61, stdev 0.98, n=54 - Docker command understanding: avg 3.36, stdev 0.87, n=54 - Got vsFTPd exploit working: 45 True (83.3%), 9 False (16.7%), n=54 - Due tomorrow, Tue, Jan 30: HW [S3: Linux tutorial](../hws/linux/index.html) - Due this Fri, Feb 2: HW [S4: Network commands tutorial](../hws/netcmds/index.html) - Readings from [the textbook](https://www.amazon.com/dp/1733003967): chapter 3 (22 pages) - Now due this Wed, Jan 31st - If ordering it from Amazon causes a problem, please let me know! - Today we will start on the [network layer](../slides/network-layer.html#/)
## Lecture 5: Fri, Jan 26th - Office hours are underway - Mine are M/W 8:30-10 am in Rice 402 - TAs are Mon 2-4, Tue 3-7, and Fri 2-4; all in Rice 442 - This is listed on the [Canvas landing page](https://canvas.its.virginia.edu/courses/92875), along with a link to the TA pictures and bios - Be sure to read the [course syllabus](syllabus.html) - Support requests are now enabled - Homeworks: (due by 11:59:59 pm on that day; Gradescope opens up 3 days prior) - Due today (Fri, Jan 26): HW [S2: Docker setup](../hws/docker/index.html) - Updates for Mac users who are running into oddball issues - Due Tue, Jan 30: HW [S3: Linux tutorial](../hws/linux/index.html) - Due next Fri, Feb 2: HW [S4: Network commands tutorial](../hws/netcmds/index.html) - Readings from [the textbook](https://www.amazon.com/dp/1733003967): chapter 3 (22 pages) - Now due Wed, Jan 31st - If ordering it from Amazon causes a problem, please let me know! - Today we will finish the [data link layer](../slides/link-layer.html#/), starting on slide 8.5 - Next up: [network layer](../slides/network-layer.html#/)
## Lecture 4: Wed, Jan 24th - Office hours are underway - Mine are M/W 8:30-10 am in Rice 402 - TAs are Mon 2-4, Tue 3-7, and Fri 2-4; all in Rice 442 - This is listed on the [Canvas landing page](https://canvas.its.virginia.edu/courses/92875), along with a link to the TA pictures and bios - Be sure to read the [course syllabus](syllabus.html) - Support requests are now enabled - Homeworks: (due by 11:59:59 pm on that day; Gradescope opens up 3 days prior) - Due yesterday: HW S1: fill out the Google survey (link on Canvas page) - We will go over the results on the next slide - Due this Fri, Jan 26: HW [S2: Docker setup](../hws/docker/index.html) - A note for Mac users about the `socat` command - Some are having display issues ("can't find file or directory" or "authorization required, but no authorization protocol specified"); a resolution to this will be out tonight - Windows users: a note on the file path - Due next Tue, Jan 30: HW [S3: Linux tutorial](../hws/linux/index.html) - Due next Fri, Feb 2: HW [S4: Network commands tutorial](../hws/netcmds/index.html) - We'll go over it briefly today - Readings from [the textbook](https://www.amazon.com/dp/1733003967): due Mon, Jan 29th: chapter 3 (22 pages) - If ordering it from Amazon causes a problem, please let me know! - Today we will continue with the [data link layer](../slides/link-layer.html#/) - Next up: [network layer](../slides/network-layer.html#/) ## Survey Results (n=58) | Knowledge | Score | |----|----| | TLS | 2.86 | | Rootkits | 2.88 | | Certificates | 2.93 | | AES | 2.95 | | XSS | 3.03 | | DHE | 3.17 | | OSI model | 3.22 | | Hashing | 3.48 | | Random numbers | 3.5 | | Buffer overflows | 3.55 | | DOSes | 3.57 | | RSA | 3.64 | | SQL injection | 3.79 |
## Lecture 3: Mon, Jan 22nd - Office hours start this week - Mine are M/W 8:30-10 am - TAs are Mon 2-4, Tue 3-7, and Fri 2-4; room TBA - This is listed on the [Canvas landing page](https://canvas.its.virginia.edu/courses/92875), along with a link to the TA pictures and bios - Be sure to read the [course syllabus](syllabus.html) - Support requests are now enabled - Homeworks: (due by 11:59:59 pm on that day; Gradescope opens up 3 days prior) - Due this Tue, Jan 23: HW S1: fill out the Google survey (link on Canvas page) - No other submission necessary - Will show the (anonymized) results on Wednesday - Due this Fri, Jan 26: HW [S2: Docker setup](../hws/docker/index.html) - We'll go over it briefly today - Due next Tue, Jan 30: HW [S3: Linux tutorial](../hws/linux/index.html) - We'll go over it briefly today - A smaller homework due late next week will be a tutorial (networking commands) - Readings from [the textbook](https://www.amazon.com/dp/1733003967): due Mon, Jan 29th: chapter 3 (22 pages) - ENGR 1501: Cryptocurrency mining class this semester! 1 credit; see the [flyer](https://www.cs.virginia.edu/~asb2t/engr1501-ccmining-flyer.pdf) and the [syllabus](https://www.cs.virginia.edu/~asb2t/engr1501-ccmining-syllabus.pdf) - About my ICMP answer from Friday... - Today we will start on the [data link layer](../slides/link-layer.html#/) - I fixed the images in the slide sets
## Lecture 2: Fri, Jan 19th - Office hours will start next week - Be sure to read the [course syllabus](syllabus.html) - Support requests will be enabled this weekend - Homeworks: (due by 11:59:59 pm on that day) - Due next Tue, Jan 23: HW S1: fill out the Google survey (link on Canvas page) - No other submission necessary - Due next Fri, Jan 26: HW [S2: Docker setup](../hws/docker/index.html) - We'll go over it briefly today - The gradescope submission will open up 3 days prior - The two homeworks due the following week will be tutorials (Linux, networking commands) - Readings from [the textbook](https://www.amazon.com/dp/1733003967) will start being assigned next week - ENGR 1501: Cryptocurrency mining class this semester! 1 credit; see the [flyer](https://www.cs.virginia.edu/~asb2t/engr1501-ccmining-flyer.pdf) and the [syllabus](https://www.cs.virginia.edu/~asb2t/engr1501-ccmining-syllabus.pdf) - Today we will start on the [physical network layer](../slides/physical-layer.html#/) - Followed by the [data link layer](../slides/link-layer.html#/) - A comment about the images in the slide sets...