# Contents [Introduction](#/intro) [BGP Attacks](#/attacks)
# Introduction
## Internet Structure  - The internet is split into *autonomous systems* (AS) - An AS is a series of IP addresses (a sub-net) managed by one entity - UVA is such an autonomous system - Each is assigned an *autonomous system number* (ASN) - UVA is ASN # 225 - ASN and AS seem to be used interchangeably ## Internet connections  - Internet-wide connections are between one ASN and another - Most ASNs have a small number of connections to other ASNs; some have many - UVA has two - Routing *within* the ASN is called IGP (Interior Gateway Protocol) via: OSPF, RIP, IGRP, etc. - Routing *between* ASNs is called EGP (Exterior Gateway Protocol) - BGP (Border Gateway Protocol) is the only widely used one ## Transit vs Stub ASNs  - Transit ASNs allow routing *through* the ASN to another ASN - They provide "transit services" (for a fee) - Stub ASNs do not provide transit to others - End customers, such as universities and companies - Some may be connected to multiple ASNs (called multi-home ASNs) - But still do not provide transit services to others ## Transit ASN in NY  This is NYSERNET, primarily for educational domains ## Public Peering  - When two ASNs have a connection with each other, it is called *peering* - Public peering: - A link from an ASNs router to a (high throughput) switch - Usually happens at an *Internet Exchange Point* (IX) - Not all the ASNs on the switch on the public part of the diagram are peers! - The two ASNs have to agree to peer - UVA has one public peer: Level 3 communications ## Private Peering  - When two ASNs have a connection with each other, it is called *peering* - Private peering: - A direct connection between two (stub) ASNs routers - Can be a wire run between the routers, or occur at a co-location center - UVA has one private peer: vt.edu ## UVA's ASN - The virginia.edu domain is [ASN # 225](https://www.ip2location.com/as225) - You can see more info via [bgp.he.net](https://bgp.he.net) - UVA's page is [here](https://bgp.he.net/AS225); also see the graph - Notice our connections (all upstreams): - [ASN # 3356: Level 3](https://www.ip2location.com/as3356) - Note how many upstream (mostly transit ASNs) and downstream (mostly stub ASNs) connections it has - [ASN # 40220: vt.edu](https://www.ip2location.com/as40220) ## BGP - The BGP *speaker* is the device or process that communicates routing information with peers - The BGP *router* does the actual routing - They are separate entities, but often in the same physical machine - Each ASN controls some set of IP prefixes, and must announce them to the rest of the Internet ## BGP  - UVA could be ASN # 150 in this diagram - VT would be AS # 151, and Level 3 would be AS # 11 - Router A announces to router D that it is ASN #150, and controls IP ranges - Shorthand: A -> D: 150 - For this example: - ASN # 150 is a stub - ASN # 151 can provide transit services - ASN # 11 does provide transit services
## BGP example [](http://www.cs.virginia.edu/~asb2t/duimg/n12/image16.png) 1. A -> D: 150 2. A -> B: 150 - A announces to both its peers (B & D) that it controls, and is ASN # 150 ## BGP example [](http://www.cs.virginia.edu/~asb2t/duimg/n12/image16.png) 1. A -> D: 150 2. A -> B: 150 3. B -> D: 151 150 - B propagates the routing information it received - B tells D that it can route to ASN # 150 - Note that it prepended its ASN # 151 ## BGP example [](http://www.cs.virginia.edu/~asb2t/duimg/n12/image16.png) 1. A -> D: 150 2. A -> B: 150 3. B -> D: 151 150 4. D -> B: 11 150 - D also propagates the routing information it received - D tells B that it can route to ASN # 150 - Note that it prepended its ASN # 11 ## BGP example [](http://www.cs.virginia.edu/~asb2t/duimg/n12/image16.png) 1. A -> D: 150 2. A -> B: 150 3. B -> D: 151 150 4. D -> B: 11 150 5. D -> E & F: 150 - D tells the other border routers in its ASN that it can route to ASN # 150 - This is via one of the IGP (Interior Gateway Protocol) protocols that it uses internally ## BGP example [](http://www.cs.virginia.edu/~asb2t/duimg/n12/image16.png) 1. A -> D: 150 2. A -> B: 150 3. B -> D: 151 150 4. D -> B: 11 150 5. D -> E & F: 150 6. F -> G: 11 150 7. E -> C: 11 150 - The other two border routers tell their peers that they can route to ASN # 150 - Again, notice that they prepend their ASN #
## BGP & Learning IP prefixes - How does the BGP router learn the IP prefixes? - Likely via static file, since it's not likely to change much - Likely how UVA does it, since the address ranges don't change - Discovery of the nodes in the ASN - From the IBGP (internal BGP) protocol ## `whois` ``` $ whois -h whois.radb.net -- '-i origin AS225' ... route: descr: TelCove BGP Customer netblock tech-c: TC1-LEVEL3 origin: AS225 member-of: rs-19094-CUSTOMER remarks: University of Virginia mnt-by: MAINT-AS19094 changed: mike.fletcher@telcove.com 20040813 source: LEVEL3 rpki-ov-state: not_found # No ROAs found, or RPKI validation not enabled for source ... $ whois -h whois.radb.net route: descr: TelCove BGP Customer netblock tech-c: TC1-LEVEL3 origin: AS225 member-of: rs-19094-CUSTOMER remarks: University of Virginia mnt-by: MAINT-AS19094 changed: mike.fletcher@telcove.com 20040813 source: LEVEL3 rpki-ov-state: not_found # No ROAs found, or RPKI validation not enabled for source ... ``` ## BGP Peering - Requires that the routes be physically connected - This is the process any time by which two BGP routers establish a connection - When they have already been configured to do so - Peers exchange information via 5 different message types: - Open message to establish a connection - Update - Keepalive: every 30 seconds (tunable) - Notification: error notification - Route-refresh: supports the route-refresh capability - BGP is unique among routing protocols by using TCP for this ## BGP Withdrawal [](http://www.cs.virginia.edu/~asb2t/duimg/n12/image18.png) - When a connection to a peer is broken - All the routes to/from that ASN are invalid - A Route Withdrawal message is sent - This is propagated to other BGP peers - Can cause a chain reaction of updates to routes
Facebook / Instagram outage: Oct 4, 2021
- Meta's backbone network was accidentally taken down - It was restored quickly, but before it came back up... - Meta's DNS servers realized that they could not reach the data centers - So the corresponding BGP speakers withdrew the routes - Without the ability to contact DNS, not much worked ## BGP Update [](http://www.cs.virginia.edu/~asb2t/duimg/n12/image18.png) - When a new route becomes available - A connection was added or restored - A new peer - Then the BGP router will advertise this to its peers - If the peer decides this is the new best route, it will advertise it to its peers - If not, then it does not - Setting TTL to 1 ensures only the directly connected peers receive the update
# BGP Attacks
## Attacks Overview - There is no security built into the BGP protocol - Thus, unable to tell if a packet is spoofed or not - One would need physical access to a data center or cable - But this could be a BGP router anywhere on the Internet ## Routing Rule: Longest Match - What if two routes have IP ranges that overlap? - A class B address and a class C address - Ex: and - The class C address (/24) has a more bits than the class B address (/16) - Thus, the class C is a "longer match" - Meaning a more specific sub-net - The longest match is chosen over the other one ## Hijacking attack  - Imagine that victim ASN # 100 had address prefix - Attacking ASN # 200 advertises a route of - Or a spoofed packets causes this route update - It's more specific, so it will be chosen over the previous - It then discards those packets ## Youtube Hijack: Feb 24, 2008 - The Pakistani gov't ordered Pakistan Telecom Corp Ltd (PTCL) ([ASN # 17557](https://www.ip2location.com/as17557)) to block Youtube - Youtube's IP address was in the address range - PTCL sent a BGP announcement of that to it's peers - Update msg: route to ASN # 17557 (PTCL) - Their transit ASN was Hong Kong based PCCW Global ([ASN3491](https://www.ip2location.com/as3491)) - PCCW was supposed to catch this fake announcement, but failed to do so - And broadcast it to the wider Internet ## Youtube Hijack: Feb 24, 2008 - Youtube ([ASN # 36561](https://www.ip2location.com/as36561)) broadcasts to its peers - But is more specific, so that was used - So it was all routed to PTCL in Pakistan - And then discarded - This caused a near global blackout for about 2 hours ## Youtube Hijack: Feb 24, 2008 - Meta (then just Google) attempted to broadcast an update - Update msg: route to ASN # 36561 (Youtube) - But this is not *more specific* than the previous one - to ASN # 17557 (PTCL) - So it was ignored - Solution: get more specific, and send two updates: - Update message: route to ASN # 36561 (Youtube) - Update message: route to ASN # 36561 (Youtube) - These, being more specific, worked - Eventually PCCW (the PCTL's transit) withdrew the invalid updates ## BGP Hijacking Defenses - Perhaps filtering - If an update arrives, check if the route is owned by the peer - Can check in the [Internet Routing Registry (IRR)](https://irr.net) - Challenges with this: - IRR is not always complete or up-to-date - Some private peering is not disclosed, making route verification more complicated (if even possible) ## BGP Hijacking Defenses - Use cryptography to prove ownership of the IP sub-net range - Method: [Resource Public Key Infrastructure (RPKI)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Resource_Public_Key_Infrastructure) - A specialized public-key infrastructure for BGP routing information