# Submission information for the Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) HW
# https://aaronbloomfield.github.io/nws/xss/

# The filename of this file must be 'xss.py', else the submission verification
# routines will not work properly.

# You are welcome to have additional variables or fields in this file; you
# just can't remove variables or fields.

# Who are you?  Name and UVA userid.  The name can be in any human-readable
# format.
userid = "asb2t"
name = "Aaron Bloomfield"

# This dictionary contains various information that will vary depending on the
# assignment.
other = {
	# What is your solution to the level 1 challenge?  Feel free to change the
	# string delimiter for this; you may need to escape character in the
	# string as necessary.
	'level_1_answer': None,

	# What is your solution to the level 2 challenge?  Feel free to change the
	# string delimiter for this; you may need to escape character in the
	# string as necessary.
	'level_2_answer': None,

	# What is your solution to the level 3 challenge?  Feel free to change the
	# string delimiter for this; you may need to escape character in the
	# string as necessary.
	'level_3_answer': None,

	# What is your solution to the level 4 challenge?  Feel free to change the
	# string delimiter for this; you may need to escape character in the
	# string as necessary.
	'level_4_answer': None,

	# What is your solution to the level 5 challenge?  Feel free to change the
	# string delimiter for this; you may need to escape character in the
	# string as necessary.
	'level_5_answer': None,

	# What is your solution to the level 6 challenge?  Feel free to change the
	# string delimiter for this; you may need to escape character in the
	# string as necessary.
	'level_6_answer': None,

	# How many hints did you end up using?  This is meant to be a free-form
	# string.  You can give an exact number, or estimates as to how, or the
	# average number -- whatever you feel best describes this.  Note that
	# this question will have absolutely no effect on your grade for this
	# assignment.
	'how_many_hints_used': None,

	# How frustrating was this assignment?  This is an integer on a 1-5 scale,
	# where 1 is not frustrating at all, 2 is a little bit frustrating, 3 is
	# somewhat frustrating, 4 is rather frustrating, and 5 is very
	# frustrating.  A typical, well designed, CS elective homework would
	# probably be around a 1 or 2.
	'frustration_level': None,

	# How hard did you find this assignment?  This is an integer on a 1-5
	# scale, where 1 is very easy, 2 is somewhat easy, 3 is neutral
	# (neither easy or hard), 4 is somewhat hard, 5 is very hard.  A tyipcal,
	# well designed, CS elective homework would be a 3.
	'difficulty': None,


# These are various sanity checks, and are meant to help you ensure that you
# submitted everything that you are supposed to submit.  Other than
# submitting the necessary files to Gradescope (which checks for those
# files), all other submission requirements are listed herein.  These values 
# need to be changed to True (instead of False).
sanity_checks = {

	# If any of the characters in any of your answers are special characters
	# (back-slashes, string delimiters, etc.), did you properly escape them
	# by putting a backslash in front of those characters?
	'properly_escaped_string_contents': False,


# While some of these are optional, you still have to replace those optional
# ones with the empty string (instead of None).
comments = {

	# How long did this assignment take, in hours?  Please format as an
	# integer or float.
	'time_taken': None,

	# Any suggestions for how to improve this assignment?  This part is
	# completely optional.  If none, then you can have the value here be the
	# empty string (but not None).
	'suggestions': None,

	# Any other comments or feedback?  This part is completely optional. If
	# none, then you can have the value here be the empty string (but not
	# None).
	'comments': None,