NWS: Docker Reference

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Basic docker commands

Command description
docker compose up Run the containers
docker compose up -d Run the containers in the background
docker compose down Stop the containers
docker pull <image> Download or update the specified image
docker images See information on the docker images on your host
docker ps -a See what containers are running
docker network ls See the networks configured
docker kill <cid> Kill (stop) a container
docker rm <cid> Remove the (stopped) container
docker rmi <id> Remove a docker image
docker system prune Remove all killed containers and outdated images
docker exec -it <cid> /bin/bash Start a bash shell in container <cid>
docker login Login to a another docker server, if needed
docker login server:5000 Login to a another docker server, if needed
docker cp <filename> <cid>:/path/to/<filename> Copy file into running container
docker cp <cid>:/path/to/<filename> . Copy file from a running container into the current directory

Running a GUI from a docker container

Mac OS X

Note: this has only been tested on an ARM Mac (M1/M2), and not on an Intel x64 Mac. Reference: this article.

One-time installation

Running the GUI


Shutting down


This was tested on Ubuntu 22.04. Reference: this article, but not really this article.

One-time installation

Running the GUI

Shutting down


Reference: none. Tested on Windows 10 Pro. Because of how WSL works, it is assumed that this will work on any recent version of Windows.

One-time installation

Running the GUI


Shutting down