ICS: UVa specific material, fall 2024

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Much of the rest of this git repo is meant to be generic to anybody who has a class such as this one. But this page contains details specific to the specific version of the course at the University of Virginia.

There are a number of links and other parts of this course that are NOT included in this repository. They are:

The parts of this course that are in this repo are:


All scholarly articles (such as from the ACM digital library) can be obtained from free from any UVa wireless network. Some of them you will NOT be able to get it for free from your home Internet provider such as Comcast (unless you live in a UVa dorm, of course) without using a UVa VPN. All readings are due by the start of lecture that day.

None yet!


Unless otherwise noted, all submissions are due by the end of the day of the due date given – this means by 11:59:59 pm. The late policies are discussed in the homework policies page (md). Submission is through the Gradescope – all submissions should open up 3 days (i.e., 72 hours) prior to the due date/time.

To avoid having the due dates having to be listed in too many places, the homeworks and their due dates are not shown here. The homeworks themselves can be seen on the Homeworks page (md) – but please don’t start on one until it’s announced in class that it is ready! You can see the due dates in the daily announcements and the Canvas landing page.

Course calendar

Week # Week of Monday Lecture days HWs due Expected Topics Actual Progress
1 Aug 26 Tu,Th Course introduction, The Security Mindset Tue: finished introduction, security mindset to 4.9; Thu: finished security mindset, terminology to 4.16
2 Sep 2 Tu,Th Rational Paranoia The Security Mindset, Terminology, Ethics Tue: finished terminology, ethics to 7.7; Thu: finished ethics, encryption to 4.24
3 Sep 9 Tu,Th Ethics Encryption Tue: encryption to 7.32; Thu: encryption to 8.8
4 Sep 16 Tu,Th RSA Encryption Tue: encryption to 9.22; Thu: finished encryption, networks to 3.14
5 Sep 23 Tu,Th Hashing Networking Overview, Web Security Tue: networks to 5.9, web security to 4.6; Thu: web security to 6.11
6 Sep 30 Tu,Th Networks Web Security, Anonymity Tue: web security to 8.11; Thu: finished web security, anonymity to 5.22
7 Oct 7 Tu,Th (midterm week) SQL, XSS, and CSRF, midterm
8 Oct 14 Th Fuzzing Cryptocurrency
9 Oct 21 Tu,Th SQL/XSS/CSRF Rootkits, Stuxnet
10 Oct 28 Tu,Th Cryptocurrency Viruses
11 Nov 4 Th Rootkits Buffer Overflows
12 Nov 11 Tu,Th Tricky Jump Binary Exploits
13 Nov 18 Tu,Th Buffer overflow (catch-up week)
14 Nov 25 Tu (none b/c T-day) Virtual Machines, Digital Forensics
14 Dec 2 Tu,Th Digital forensics US Cybersecurity Policy, Course reflection