// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later

// This file is part of the http://github.com/aaronbloomfield/ccc repository,
// and is released under the GPL 3.0 license.

// x is the ether liquidity, with 18 decimals
// y is the token liquidity, with a variable number of decimals
// k = x * y, and will have somewhere around 30 decimals

pragma solidity ^0.8.24;

import "./IERC165.sol";
import "./IEtherPriceOracle.sol";
import "./IERC20Receiver.sol";

interface IDEX is IERC165, IERC20Receiver {

    // Events

    // This event must be emitted whenever the amount of liquidity
    // (either ether or token cryptocurrency) changes.  This is from the
    // methods: createPool(), addLiquidity(), removeLiquidity()
    // receive(), and onERC20Received().
    event liquidityChangeEvent();

    // Getting the exchange rates and prices

    // How many decimals the token is shown to.  This can just call the ERC-20
    // contract to get that information, or you can save it in public
    // variable.  As the other asset is ether, we know that is to 18
    // decimals, and thus do not need a corresponding function for ether.
    function decimals() external view returns (uint);

    // Get the symbol of the ERC-20 cryptocurrency.  This can just call the
    // ERC-20 contract to get that information, or you can save it in public
    // variable
    function symbol() external view returns (string memory);

    // Get the price of 1 ETH using the EtherPricer contract; return it in
    // cents.  This just gets the price from the EtherPricer contract.
    function getEtherPrice() external view returns (uint);

    // Get the price of 1 Token using the EtherPricer contract; return it in
    // cents.  This gets the price of ETH from the EtherPricer contract, and
    // then scales it -- based on the exchange ratio -- to determine the
    // price of the token cryptocurrency.
    function getTokenPrice() external view returns (uint);

    // Getting the liquidity of the pool or part thereof

    // Get the k value.  If 100 ETH were added along with 1,000 of the token
    // cryptocurrency, and the former has 18 decimals and the latter 10
    // decimals, then this will return 10^33.  This can just be a public
    // variable.
    function k() external view returns (uint);

    // How much ether is in the pool; this can just be a public variable. This is
    // in wei, so 1.5 ETH -- which has 18 decimals -- would return
    // 1,500,000,000,000,000,000.  This can just be a public variable.
    function x() external view returns (uint);

    // How many tokens are in the pool; this can just be a public variable. As
    // with the previous, this is returned with all the decimals.  So 15 of
    // the token cryptocurrency coin, which has (say) 10 decimals, this would
    // return 150,000,000,000.  This can just be a public variable.
    function y() external view returns (uint);

    // Get the amount of pool liquidity in USD (actually cents) using the
    // EtherPricer contract.  We assume that the ETH and the token
    // cryptocurrency have the same value, and we know (from the EtherPricer
    // smart contract) how much the ETH is worth.
    function getPoolLiquidityInUSDCents() external view returns (uint);

    // How much ETH does the address have in the pool.  This is the number in
    // wei.  This can be just be a public mapping variable.
    function etherLiquidityForAddress(address who) external view returns (uint);

    // How much of the token cryptocurrency does the address have in the pool.
    // This is with however many decimals the token cryptocurrency has.  This
    // can be just be a public mapping variable.
    function tokenLiquidityForAddress(address who) external view returns (uint);

    // Pool creation

    // This can be called exactly once, and creates the pool; only the
    // deployer of the contract call this.  Some amount of ETH is passed in
    // along with this call.  For purposes of this assignment, the ratio is
    // then defined based on the amount of ETH paid with this call and the
    // amount of the token cryptocurrency stated in the first parameter.  The
    // first parameter is how many of the token cryptocurrency (with all the
    // decimals) to add to the pool; the ERC-20 contract that manages that
    // token cryptocurrency is the fourth parameter (the caller needs to
    // approve this contract for that much of the token cryptocurrency before
    // the call).  The second and third parameters define the fraction --
    // 0.1% would be 1 and 1000, for example.  The last parameter is the
    // contract address of the EtherPricer contract being used, and can be
    // updated later via the setEtherPricer() function.
    function createPool(uint _tokenAmount, uint _feeNumerator, uint _feeDenominator, 
                        address _erc20token, address _etherPricer) external payable;

    // Fees

    // Get the numerator of the fee fraction; this can just be a public
    // variable.
    function feeNumerator() external view returns (uint);

    // Get the denominator of the fee fraction; this can just be a public
    // variable.
    function feeDenominator() external view returns (uint);

    // Get the amount of fees accumulated, in wei, for all addresses so far; this
    // can just be a public variable.
    function feesEther() external view returns (uint);

    // Get the amount of token fees accumulated for all addresses so far; this
    // can just be a public variable.  This will have as many decimals as the
    // token cryptocurrency has.
    function feesToken() external view returns (uint);

    // Managing pool liquidity

    // Anybody can add liquidity to the pool.  The amount of ETH is paid along
    // with the function call.  The caller will have to approve the
    // appropriate amount of token cryptocurrency, via the ERC-20 contract,
    // for this call to complete successfully.  Note that this function does
    // NOT remove any fees.
    function addLiquidity() external payable;

    // Remove liquidity -- both ether and token -- from the pool.  The ETH is
    // paid to the caller, and the token cryptocurrency is transferred back
    // as well.  If the parameter amount is more than the amount the address
    // has stored in the pool, this should revert.  See the homework
    // description for how fees are managed and paid out, but note that this
    // function does NOT remove any fees.  For this assignment, they cannot
    // take out more ether than they put in, and the amount of TCC that comes
    // with that cannot be more than they put in.  If the exchange rates are
    // much different, this could cause issues, but we are not going to deal
    // with those issues in this assignment, so you can ignore factoring in
    // different exchange rates.
    function removeLiquidity(uint amountWei) external;

    // Exchanging currencies

    // Swaps ether for token.  The amount of ETH is passed in as payment along
    // with this call.  Note that the receive() function is of a special form, 
    // and does not have the `function` keyword.
    receive() external payable;

    // Swap token for ether.  The ERC-20 smart contract for the token
    // cryptocurrency must be approved to transfer that much into the DEX,
    // and the appropriate amount of ETH is paid back to the caller.
    // This function is defined in the IERC20Receiver.sol file
    // function onERC20Received(address from, uint amount, address erc20) external returns (bool);

    // Functions for debugging and grading

    // This function allows changing of the contract that provides the current
    // ether price.
    function setEtherPricer(address p) external;

    // This gets the address of the etherPricer being used so that we can
    // verify we are using the correct one; this can just be a public variable.
    function etherPricer() external view returns (address);

    // Get the address of the ERC-20 token manager being used for the token
    // cryptocurrency; this can just be a public variable.
    function ERC20Address() external view returns (address);

    // Functions for efficiency

    // this function is just to lower the number of calls to the contract from
    // the dex.php web page; it just returns the information in many of the
    // above calls as a single call.  The information it returns is a tuple
    // and is, in order:
    // 0: the address of *this* DEX contract (address)
    // 1: token cryptocurrency abbreviation (string memory)
    // 2: token cryptocurrency name (string memory)
    // 3: ERC-20 token cryptocurrency address (address)
    // 4: k (uint)
    // 5: ether liquidity (uint)
    // 6: token liquidity (uint)
    // 7: fee numerator (uint)
    // 8: fee denominator (uint)
    // 9: token decimals (uint)
    // 10: fees collected in ether (uint)
    // 11: fees collected in the token CC (uint)
    function getDEXinfo() external view returns (address, string memory, string memory, 
                            address, uint, uint, uint, uint, uint, uint, uint, uint);

    // Functions for a future assignment

    // This should just revert.  It is going to be used in the Arbitrage
    // assignment, so we are putting it into the interface now.
    function reset() external;

    // Inherited functions

    // From IERC165.sol; this contract supports three interfaces
    // function supportsInterface(bytes4 interfaceId) external view returns (bool);
