// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later

// This file is part of the http://github.com/aaronbloomfield/ccc repository,
// and is released under the GPL 3.0 license.

pragma solidity ^0.8.24;

import "./IERC165.sol";

// Some general notes:
// - All monetary values passed in as parameters to the functions below are
//   in wei
// - Beyond what is listed below, there is one other method to implement,
//   based on the interfaces that this interface implements:
//   supportsInterface() (from IERC165)
// - See the "Notes and Hints" section of the HW description for more such 
//   notes

interface IAuctioneer is IERC165 {

    // Holds the information for each auction
    struct Auction {
        uint id;            // the auction id
        uint num_bids;      // how many bids have been placed
        string data;        // a text description of the auction or NFT data
        uint highestBid;    // the current highest bid, in wei
        address winner;     // the current highest bidder
        address initiator;  // who started the auction
        uint nftid;         // the NFT token ID
        uint endTime;       // when the auction ends
        bool active;        // if the auction is active

    // Constructor: while constructors are never listed in an interface, your
    // contract should have one.  Among other things, it needs to create and
    // deploy it's own NFT Manager.

    // The following can just be the automatically created getter functions
    // from public variables

    // The address of the NFT Manager for this Auctioneer; it is meant to be
    // created and deployed when the Auctioneer constructor is called.  This
    // can just be via the getter method from a public variable.
    function nftmanager() external view returns (address);

    // How many auctions have been created on this Auctioneer contract; this
    // can just be via the getter method from a public variable.
    function numAuctions() external view returns (uint);

    // How much fees, in wei, have been collected so far -- the auction
    // collects 1% fees of *successful* auctions; these are the total fees
    // that have been collected, whether paid to the deployer of the contract
    // or not.
    function totalFees() external view returns (uint);

    // How much fees, in wei, have been collected so far but not yet paid to
    // the deployer -- the auction collects 1% fees of *successful* auctions
    function uncollectedFees() external view returns (uint);

    // Gets the auction struct for the passed auction id.  If one lists out
    // the individual fields of the Auction struct, then one can just have
    // this be a public mapping (otherwise you run into problems
    // with "Auction memory" versus "Auction storage")
    function auctions(uint id) external view
            returns (uint, uint, string memory, uint, address, address, uint, uint, bool);

    // Who is the deployer of this contract
    function deployer() external view returns (address);

    // The following are functions you must create

    // Anybody can call this function, but it only pays, to the deployer, the
    // fees that this auction contract has accumulated (either since inception
    // or since the last time collectFees() was called).
    function collectFees() external;

    // Start an auction.  The first three parameters are the number of
    // minutes, hours, and days for the auction to last -- they can't all be
    // zero.  The data parameter is a textual description of the auction, NOT
    // the file name; it can't be the empty string.  The reserve is the
    // minimum price that will win the auction; this amount is in wei
    // (which is 10^-18 eth), and can be zero.  The nftid is which NFT is
    // being auctioned.  This function has four things it must do: sanity
    // checks (verify valid parameters, ensure no auction with that NFT ID is
    // running), transfer the NFT over to this contract (revert if it can't),
    // create the Auction struct (which effectively starts the auction), and
    // emit the appropriate event. This returns the auction ID of the newly
    // configured auction.  These auction IDs have to start from 0 for the
    // auctions.php web page to work properly.  Note that only the owner of a
    // NFT can start an auction for it, and this should be checked via
    // require().  Make sure the account used is msg.sender, not deployer!
    // Otherwise it will work for you but not for any of our grading tests.
    function startAuction(uint m, uint h, uint d, string memory data, 
                          uint reserve, uint nftid) external returns (uint);

    // This closes out the auction, the ID of which is passed in as a
    // parameter.  It first does the basic sanity checks (you have to figure
    // out what).  If bids were placed, then it will transfer the ether to
    // the initiator.  It will handle the transfer of the  NFT (to the
    // initiator if no bids were placed or to the winner if bids were placed)
    // In the latter case, it keeps 1% fees and emits the appropriate event.
    // The auction is marked as inactive. Note that anybody can call this
    // function, although it will only close auctions whose time has
    // expired.
    function closeAuction(uint id) external;

    // When one wants to submit a bid on a NFT; the ID of the auction is
    // passed in as a parameter, and some amount of ETH is transferred with
    // this function call (that amount is in msg.value, which is in wei).  So
    // many sanity checks here!  See the homework description some of various
    // cases where this function should revert; you get to figure out the
    // rest.  On a successful higher bid, it should update the auction
    // struct.  Be sure to refund the previous higher bidder, since they have
    // now been outbid.
    function placeBid(uint id) payable external;

    // The time left (in seconds) for the given auction, the ID of which is
    // passed in as a parameter.  This is a convenience function, since it's
    // much easier to call this rather than get the end time as a UNIX
    // timestamp.
    function auctionTimeLeft(uint id) external view returns (uint);

    // The following are the events that need to be emitted at the appropriate
    // times, as per the homework description.

    // This is emitted when an auction is started in startAuction(); the
    // ID is the auction ID.
    event auctionStartEvent(uint indexed id);

    // This is emitted when an auction ends in closeAuction(); the ID is the
    // auction ID.
    event auctionCloseEvent(uint indexed id);

    // This is emitted when a new bid is placed that is higher than the
    // existing highest bid; the ID is the auction ID.
    event higherBidEvent (uint indexed id);
