space 101 ' 10000100 , 1101001 - 10000101 . 1101000 C 10001101 E 1000000 G 10000110 K 10000111 R 1000101 T 10001000 U 10001110 W 10001111 a 0100 c 110101 d 00001 e 001 f 000111 g 1000001 h 01011 i 1100 j 10001001 k 10001100 l 01010 m 00010 n 1110 o 0111 p 10010 r 11011 s 0110 t 1111 u 100110 v 000110 w 100111 y 00000 ---------------------------------------- 10001111 1100 1111 01011 101 1111 01011 001 101 01011 001 01010 10010 101 0111 000111 101 1000101 0111 01010 01010 0110 10000101 1000101 0111 00000 110101 001 1101001 101 10001110 1110 1100 000110 001 11011 0110 1100 1111 00000 101 1000000 1110 1000001 1100 1110 001 001 11011 1100 1110 1000001 101 0100 1110 00001 101 10001101 0111 00010 00010 001 11011 110101 001 101 0110 1111 100110 00001 001 1110 1111 0110 101 100111 1100 01010 01010 101 001 1110 10001001 0111 00000 101 1110 001 100111 101 0111 10010 10010 0111 11011 1111 100110 1110 1100 1111 1100 001 0110 101 000111 11011 0111 00010 101 0100 101 10010 0100 11011 1111 1110 001 11011 0110 01011 1100 10010 101 1111 01011 0100 1111 101 1100 0110 101 10010 0100 11011 1111 101 0111 000111 101 1111 01011 001 101 110101 0111 00010 10010 0100 1110 00000 10000100 0110 101 0110 1111 0100 1111 001 100111 1100 00001 001 101 1100 1110 000110 001 0110 1111 00010 001 1110 1111 101 1100 1110 101 1111 01011 001 101 0100 001 11011 0111 0110 10010 0100 110101 001 101 1100 1110 00001 100110 0110 1111 11011 00000 1101001 101 10000110 0111 000110 1101000 101 10001000 1100 00010 101 10000111 0100 1100 1110 001 101 0100 1110 1110 0111 100110 1110 110101 001 00001 101 01010 0100 0110 1111 101 100111 001 001 10001100 1101000 ---------------------------------------- There are a total of 236 symbols that are encoded. There are 35 distinct symbols used. There were 1888 bits in the original file. There were 1037 bits in the compressed file. This gives a compression ratio of 1.82064. The cost of the Huffman tree is 4.39407 bits per character.