Contest Packet Generator

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This PHP script is meant to allow users to enter their problem information through a web form. To the submitter, it provides a link to the PDF of just that problem. To the admins, there is a packet.pdf file that contains all of the submitted problems. It does not allow loading of previously submitted problems. Submitting a problem with the same problem ID is effectively an edit, since it replaces the old problem with the same ID (the old one is saved).

The PHP script will write all output to a problems/ sub-directory -- that directory must exist and be writable by the web server. There must also be an problems/old/ directory as well -- upon an edit (submitting a new problem with the same problem ID -- the old one is moved to the old/ directory.

This was developed on an Ubuntu 16.04 system. It requires pandoc and pdflatex to be installed (and possibly some pdflatex packages).

To use it for your institution, you will want to make the following changes: