Defense Against the Dark Arts: Slides

Go up to the main readme file (md)

Note that a bug in current versions of Firefox will prevent the font used in the slides from displaying correctly; Google Chrome does not have this bug, and displays the slides correctly.

Please note that the slides are generally not finalized until the day of lecture, and some of the links may not work until the lecture is ready to be presented.

Daily announcements (UVa specific)

  1. Course introduction (UVa specific)
  2. Terminology
  3. Virtual Machines
  4. Assembly
  5. Regular expressions and lex
  6. File viruses
  7. Assembly obfuscations
  8. Advanced viruses
  9. Advanced virus coding techniques
  10. SQL & XSS
  11. Encryption
  12. Rootkits
  13. Stuxnet
  14. Buffer overflows
  15. Exploits
  16. Course reflection